Enterprise aims to undertake expansion project

ADDIS ABABA:- An expansion project that will upgrade the Mojo dry port will be undertaken with 150 million USD loan from the World Bank, Ethiopian Sea Shipping and Logistic Service Enterprise disclosed.

Upon completion, in the coming three years, the expansion project launched on 143 hectares land will be expected to step up the dry port’s container holding capacity by 10 fold, CEO of the Enterprise Roba Megersa told The Ethiopian Herald. ‘‘Mojo dry port accounts for 80 percent of the import and export trade of the nation.

With such limited capacity, it could not fulfill the interest of its ever increasing number of customers. Having realized this, we have planned to undertake the expansion endeavor. So far, its design is finalized.

Activities are underway to start a bid,’’ he said. He said that the expansion project would have massive role in facilitating multi-modal service provision mechanism, which could stride in line with the rapid economic growth of the country.

Currently, the port is serving more than 14,000 containers and this number will leap to 150,000 containers when the project sees completion, the CEO highlighted. ‘‘We will make sure that the expansion project will have best quality that allows the nation to provide internationally standardized multi-modal service. This would be part of the nation’s ambition to realize modern sea transport and logistics service infrastructures,’’ he insisted.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 10/2019


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