Ease of doing business to empower women in economy

Women economic empowerment is the best way to achieve other gender related goals such as equality, poverty eradication, and inclusive economic growth. That is why scholars and development institutions see economic empowerment as a prerequisite for realizing gender equity.

 Various studies revealed that women’s lower status, particularly in developing countries, is because of poor access to finance and resources, which are basic instruments of economic empowerment to give women a sense of independence.

Semahel Guesh CEO and Founder of Kabana design PLC says that, capacity building initiatives need to give more emphasis to women economic empowerment. Even though there is an improvement of women in both economy and political aspects still now many efforts remains to empower women. Most of the women are still marginalized in social, political and economic representation and the best way to improve the situation is through empowering them economically, socially and in other aspects as well.

“Nowadays, women have started to prove their worth regarding running a successful business equal to those of men. The contribution of women to economic growth has somehow become visible than ever before.” They have a power and ability to run their own business, if there is conducive environment in easing doing business and problem with regard to finance and other related things were avoided.

A lot of challenges facing the business community, and the government remove hurdles to fix and ensure women empowerment. “You go to national bank make it easier, you go to other financial institutions make it easier, don’t have a lot of bureaucracy here and there. Now it is a time of women, women are participating in a lot of activities in every sector today” she noted. Semahel further stated that, the government must ease of doing business, minimize bureaucracy and create conducive environment for women’s in business sector.

 The government facilitates a situation which is possible to get financial access with financial institutions such as banks and also other governmental institutions which is preferable for women’s specifically targeting women. Fitsum Kidanemariam Deputy Managing Director at Gift Corporate Business Group, for her part said that, women are on the move and networking and communication are important to be successful beside financial assistance.

According to her a lot of challenges were facing women’s to empower them in a desired level. From among this the challenges that faces women’s in economic empowerment is that, lack of inadequate and inconsistent capacity building interventions regarding business and financial management. Sharing experience is beside financial and other related assistance is important, she noted.

 Women economic empowerment cannot be attained through the provision of financial services alone, he states. The concerning stakeholders required to organize continuous training and experience sharing schemes.

Empowering women through financial assistance alone is not enough, it needs extra training and experience sharing with the concerning bodies. As to her, the problem may be better addressed through the means of easing doing business, facilitating access to finance, sharing experience and capacity building as well.

In today’s world empowering women is slogan of the whole world not only in Ethiopia. It is a public agenda since women consists over half population of the world population. Likewise, Ethiopia has put different policies, legal framework, rules, and regulations to enhance gender parity.

Fitsum noted that, despite women’s numerical significance, and their remarkable contribution to the economic development, they have been placed to the disadvantaged position with no or less authority and decision making power in the control and management of resources, and in social affairs. Such inequality emanated from the traditional norms and values adhered by the majority of community.

This is even more intensified with women’s deprivation from equitable participation in educational system. All over the world women enjoy a little independence and equality in all dimensions. They were marginalized in economic, political and social and even some times considered as noncitizens. They are still experiencing negative treatment from their family, community, administration and even from their similar sex partners that is women.

The problem is even worse in developing countries. Ethiopia is one of the developing countries where women are facing political, social and cultural challenges that undermine their human worth and dignity. They are suffering from economic poverty, social discrimination, political disenfranchisement, and cultural subjugation. But recently women’s are participating in every activity in politics, economy and in other social affairs.

The government commitment towards ensuring gender equality is at good step. Still much effort remains to empower them in a desired level. Despite the constitutional and policy provisions and commitment of government in ensuring gender equality, women in the country are in a good step unlike denied of being prosperous, autonomous and receivers of development initiatives during the past. Previously their status in the socio-political, economic and cultural context is undermined. But, today there is somewhat a visible improvement in many social affairs.

 But still much effort remained. Moreover, there are gaps in policy as formulated and policy as implemented to alleviate gender parity. It is in most cases related to lack of implementation of the policy, laws and constitutionally given rights of women, access to finance, lack of effective networking with financial systems like that of banks and other financial institutions. The policy must be practically implemented on the ground rather than speech and putting it on paper.

The existing societal practices, which favor men’s interests mainly, have a negative impact on initiatives and efforts towards gender equality. So we have to change ways of thinking and attitude that societies have towards women’s from the very beginning. Because of the socio-cultural constructions and practices, women are considered to be subordinate to men and second-class members or citizens both in the family and in the society.

 This is greatly influenced by the existing societal institutions. In other words, the societal institutions have validated such practices. This is to mean that the idea of gender equality is institutionalized in community level. Therefore, a prolonged and systematic approach is required to eradicate such deep-rooted problems.    

The Ethiopian Herald March 9, 2019


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