Amhara State New President pledges on peace, prosperity

ADDIS ABABA – Endorsing the resignation letter from the former Amhara State President Gedu Andargachew, the State’s Council has yesterday appointed Dr. Ambachew Mekonnen as President of the regional state.

On the Presidential handing over ceremony, State President Dr. Ambachew Mekonnen vowed to work towards lifting the country out of the current political crisis, and  reinstate peace and prosperity.

Abiding by the rules and regulations as well as working for shared opportunities, the people and government of Amhara are ready to work for building a country, Ethiopia, which will ensure sustainable peace, love and brotherhood across the nation, President Dr. Ambachew explained.

“I believe that the position where I am appointed now is tough and full of complex challenges, but I am pleased to get the opportunity to serve and lead the people and government of Amhara State. We will also contribute to make the country where freedom of movement is respected and its citizens would be able to exult together.”

President Dr. Ambachew also said the inclination towards hatred and violence will not completely represent the level where any of the countries around the world has currently reached. These violent activities are likely to harm the country’s peaceful political process and jeopardize the country’s sovereignty and security. Thus, we need to take firm stance to throw away such damaging beliefs through consensus, he added.

As the people of Ethiopia have so far participated and contributed for inclusive development of the country, the beneficiary of the reform is also the people, said President Ambachew and urged the peoples to keep cooperating together directly or indirectly for the changes currently made in the country as a whole.

The Ethiopian Herald March 9/2019


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