The talent in women

We have often heard about famous inventors such as Thomas Jefferson (Monticello’s Great Clock), Alexander Graham Bell (the telephone), and Benjamin Franklin (bifocal glasses). However, what about woman like Dr. Shirley Jackson, prominent in telecom industry; Grace Hopper in Computer Programming; Ann Tsukamoto in stem cell isolation, Maria Telkes in inventing the first 100 percent solar powered house? Similarly, Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu and Bruktawit Tigabu are among the inspiring Ethiopian women for coming up with new businesses that positively impact the lives of many fellow Ethiopians.

 Recently, the World Economic Forum awarded Bruktawit Tigabu, co-founder and CEO of Whiz Kids Workshop as well as the Creative Director at Whiz Kids Workshop, as an outstanding social entrepreneur of the year. She started this workshop fourteen years ago. “No one was interested in our job by then.” However, the TV show her company produces has helped many kids to generate learning out of it. Parents too have shown profound interest in the episodes.

“UNESCO was the first to render supports to our project. Now our capital has grown to 6.5 million Birr. In terms of job creation, we have thirty full-time employees, not to mention people that work with us on contractual basis.” She says women have enormous potential, a potential that can transform the society but it is not easy for them to translate their potential to reality.

“That does not mean that the challenges intimidate us from trying our best.” One way to tackle the problems is that women have to come together. In addition, all pertinent bodies have to do their level best to help women unleash their potentials.

 Public institutions with ministerial portfolio and other entities ought to mobilize resources to help more women to come to the fore in social, economic and political aspects of life. Bethlihem Tilahun for her part does not see any reason that impedes women form realizing their dream. “I worked hard to make SoleRebels an international brand and I succeeded in making it true.

In addition, the new brands Garden of Coffee that specialize in hand-roasted coffee have become international brand. “If we women work hard, it is likely to realize our dreams.” Elizabeth G/Selasie, Woman Children and Youth Affairs Ministry Innovation and Technology Director says that the Ministry has researched into the major challenges facing women in all the states and the two city administrations.

“Our next move will be to bring stakeholders together and make them devise ways and means to come up with far-sighted solutions.”

 Among encouragements to promote women, innovation will be holding annual awards to outstanding women innovation and invention. “We have already selected around 200 women for their outstanding works.” Two years ago, the Ministry has also established a 20-percent financial grant to women researchers.

They will also compete with men to the remaining 80-percent research grant, she indicates. So far, nine women researchers that work on food processing and hair treatment benefit from the financial grant scheme. Women have contributed a lot of inventions and innovations within the society.

Yet, the attitudinal problems among the wider society sets obstacle along their path. The case in point of Bruktawit and Bethlihem teach us that we can clear the obstacles with strong and sustained collaboration of all stakeholders. However, more than anything else, we women ourselves should fight the fight.

The Ethiopian herald March 8, 2019


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