PSNP: A means to escape from the burden of poverty


Among numerous development programs devised by the government to provide security to vulnerable and disadvantage segments of the society, safety net is the one.

The program, sometimes referred as antipoverty or welfare programs, has been exercised by both developing and developed countries for decades to benefit low income households. Particularly, in developing nations where resources are scare, job opportunities are overwhelming, and population growth is high, safety net programs are the best remedies to expanding economic opportunities, ensure social protections and betterment the lives of those who are on the breadline.

With this same intention, Ethiopia, is also working to deal with the problem of unemployment, food insecurity and the like social challenges in its Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) launched some years back.

Since the program has become practiced, hundreds of thousands of households who were disadvantaged and in poverty line have benefitted from the program and enabled to maintain the basic level of consumption, become productive, detached from the quagmire of poverty and accumulate asset engaging in different development activities including construction of roads, land and water resources rehabilitation and the like areas.

The Program, as it provides credit and technical support to households based on tailored business plans, more people have been enabled to engage in activities of their own preferences and interests.

As a study indicates, between the years 2008 and 2012, a total of 495,995 households were graduated from PSNP. This indicates that it is bringing a considerable number of poor households out of poverty. In 2008, 252,239 individuals were beneficiaries of the PSNP in Bale Zone. These beneficiaries were from the 13 Woredas of the Zone, and the level of food insecurity was severe in pastoral communities, the study further elaborated.

 Recently, Addis Ababa City Food Security and Developmental Safety Net Agency graduated more than 29,400 development safety net beneficiaries.

As it is learnt, the beneficiaries had been engaged in areas such as urban farming, security guard and cleaning services and have transitioned themselves to new field of work.

As to Agency’s report, since the program was launched in May 2017, more than 400,000 low-income citizens have benefited in three rounds.

Speaking on the occasion, Asaminew Gerawork, Director General of the Agency said that out of the 123,000 beneficiaries who were enrolled in the first round, more than 29,000 family members those that had been designated by their families received trainings in various areas at technical and vocational colleges,

He said the program has benefited 29,410 low-income individuals who were engaged in areas such as environment conservation and protection, urban agriculture and cleaning.

Jantirar Abay, Coordinator of Public Service Delivery Institutions, with the rank of Deputy Mayor of Addis Ababa City said that the administration is working diligently to ensure food security for the residents.

In essence of this, within the past three years, out of the 400,000 beneficiaries 16 percent are receiving direct support,

The Agency said the development safety net users in the presence of the city’s top leaders have shifted to better jobs.

The Ethiopian Herald 13 April 2021

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