From empowerment to power

In what is described as unprecedented and exemplary move towards narrowing gender parity, Ethiopia, few months ago pulled more women to the highest and yet key government positions with cabinet ration reaching 50 percent. Now the country has first-ever women serving as FDRE President with other women also presiding over the key Ethiopian National Electoral Board and Supreme Court.

Woman Minister of Defense has also ascended to power, which is the first in the history of the country. Since coming to power, Prime Minister Dr.Abiy Ahmed has been pushing aggressively towards gender equality picking women to government compositions. Despite the dramatic achievement, there have been some public concerns that women may face some challenges in handling such huge responsibility.

Just four months into their powers, scholars weigh on the performance of the strongest women of the country.

Dr. Constantinos Beruhtesfa, Former Senior Policy Advisor of the United Nations in New York says that empowering women has politically been global phenomena and Ethiopia has shown encouraging results.

‘‘When we talk about gender equality, it is not the question of workshop and conference. There must be real progress regarding women empowerment. Not only this, they should be empowered economically. As far as their performance is concerned, it is difficult to evaluate these women since they are four or five month in power. “We have to give them ample time. In addition, there are a policy changes and management styles.”

“But what we have to keep in mind is that these women are equally capable with the men they replaced. Even they are more qualified. The Premier’s selection was good in identifying a minister who fits the position,’’ he insisted.

The other thing, one has to take into consideration, is getting ministerial posts alone cannot transform the administration, Dr. Constantinos points out. Adding: ‘‘They need to support their job effectively. The state ministers, the department heads, section heads, advisers, expertise and other stakeholders should support them to succeed. It needs team spirit.

 The other important issue he raised is the policy environment where these ministers are working. ‘‘You can see that many of existing policies are changing. We know the Prime Minister has announced several improvements to legal frameworks, particularly in terms of globalizing the economy, making public service transparent and accountable.”

Kahisay Gebrehiwot, a Political Science and International Relation Lecturer at Axum University for his part states that the political system should give more room to women.

Gender equality is not an option it is a must. No matter what change comes or not, cabinet members should be gender balanced. The country’s political system is under reform. But it should not be connected with gender, he believes.

“We have to evaluate a person with his or her tangible contribution, integrity or commitment for his/her organization, society or country, but should not be evaluated based on gender.

Gender inequality is an international problem and Ethiopia is one of the countries, which have not ensured gender parity, he adds.

According to Firehiwot Tesema CEO of Aquarius Aviation, the negative attitude held by some people towards female ministers is not fair. It is wrong to think that women are incapable and would fail in handling senior public duties.

“We have seen that the Minister of Transport, Dagmawit Moges, and Minister of Revenue Adanech Abebe doing miracles in their sectors, just to mention but a few.”

 Most, if not all, cabinet ministers are working beyond the call of duty. The Women Children and Youth Minister led by Yalem Tsegay is also contributing its share in empowering women who want to engage in business, Firehiwot added.

 Firehiwot says she expects same commitment and performance form other women officials serving at different positions.

“I believe women are very responsible and their tendency to corruption and brutality is very low. Their personality is the main driver for their success. Second, having clear time line for what they want to achieve in particular is also what makes their job successful,”

 It is necessary to ensure gender parity in public positions, but what matters most is the capability of the women assigned on key posts in executing their tasks properly.

The Ethiopian Herald March 8, 2019


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