“We should develop curriculum for water and educate children,’’ – Doctor Engineer Isaiyas Alemayehu


Doctor Engineer Isaiyas Alemayehu, is a young person to get his professorship on water and environmental engineering. He has been participating in the African Center of Excellence for Water Management (ACEWM) which was established to develop highly skilled human resource capable of handling more complex water management problems in a holistic, integrative and transformative approach. These efforts include teaching, innovative research, internships, on the job technical training and community outreach programs using a broad-based partnership approach.

Alongside working as a researcher and lecturer, he has been serving at Jimma University in various respects. The professor has also worked as a guest lecturer at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University and as an adviser for various universities. The restless man, who published over 100 research studies at the science journal, has been coordinating over 15 mega international projects.

Due to the high cumulative GPA he scored, the university employed him as a lecturer. He was one of the professionals who contributed a great role in the establishment of the biomedical department. Recently, he is ready to contribute some to the realization of the Koisha project, one of the three mega, ecotourism projects spearheaded by PM Abiy Ahmed. During his short stay with the Ethiopian Press Agency staff, he has raised a range of issues about water resource management including GERD. Excerpts;

Would you please explain Ethiopia’s water resources potential? How far have we utilized such untapped potential?

Before responding to your question, I would prefer to explain a few points about water resources. It is obvious that three-quarters of the earth is covered by water and water resource utilization is directly correlated with population. For instance, of the total world waters, some 45 percent is found in Latin America which depicts how they are benefiting much from the water resource they have.

When we come to countries in the horn of Africa, one can get a reversed result than that of the previous. These countries have been utilizing about 10 percent of water. However, the total population is 16 percent. Studies also predict that these countries will be facing difficult problems by 2050 as the size of their population is alarming. We can conclude that world water share is not the same. Unless we apply a technologically advanced working system, we will face many difficulties when we try to fill gaps observed.

We have to look at our water resource from the perspective of development. When we develop the water, we will bring changes by minimizing the poverty rate. When we talk about public health, it is difficult to imagine without water. Similarly, water will also play a significant role in increasing productivity. Thus, we have to see it in-depth as the day to day life is integrated with water.

With a total population of 110 million people, let alone bringing sustainable development, we will not exist as human being. Thus, balancing the demand and supply of water and enhancing water use should not be kept for tomorrow. For this to happen, learning from the best practice of others is quite imperative.

As a nation, we have a capacity of getting 123 billion cubic meters of renewable water per annum which puts us in the second rank among all African countries. However, of the total water resource, 97 percent simply flows out of the country’s borders without being harnessed locally. Again, we have not been using even the three per cent for meaningful purposes. It is difficult to say that we are heading on a long journey in this regard.

Of the world children born by 2050, two out of five would be Africans. This simply means the total population of Africa countries will be three folds than that of the other continents. Countries like Ethiopia would account for the lion’s share, but much remains to be done in terms of water resource utilization.

The other reason is a lack of understanding of the meaning and use of water. Some countries give high value for water like that of a mother. However, I have a different outlook from the aforesaid statement. The saying should link water utilization with development. As a mother treating her children up to the age of adolescence, the water resource should gain similar attention to that of the child of a mother. Reversely, we have not been providing what it requires from us, that is technology, knowledge and wealth to get benefit out of it. Though we have the resources, we are still one among the developing countries. Thus, this generation has a responsibility to root out such a backward outlook.

Not far, various water bodies have been exposed to hazardous situations. To make lakes sustainable and provide relevant service for the society at large, what should be done?

I think this is a great assignment that should be done soon. When we think of the growth of a developing country, the very imperative thing is identifying the water resource utilization. Focusing on progress alone is not advisable as it is a reason that forced us to forget its value. Because polluting substances which affect the society is increasing equally with that of water development. Apart from that, the water bodies have been highly affected due to losing their quality, depth and finally died. To address challenges, it is imperative to build the skill and knowledge capacity of water management. Thus, we have to make a balance between the demand and supply of water and assist nature in all ways.

Next to that, we have to protect the water which is utilized for the expansion of cities, industry and agriculture is quite relevant. Unless we create a balance between the two the water resource would be damaged due to the development. This affects us from ensuring sustainable development. Thus, parallel to utilizing the water, protecting the water resources from any possible harm is critical.

Raising awareness of stakeholders especially those who are assigned as an administrator and encourage them to do various tasks is imperative. Devising the best policies, rules and regulation by itself will not enable us to achieve a greater score. Improving execution capacity is expected from all citizens especially from leaders. As we learnt from best practices of countries, those who pollute water have a responsibility to pay as per the level of pollution. The money collected from this also expends to develop the water resources. Therefore, those who pollute the water have to pay for their deeds and think not to repeat the same fault.

Similarly, we have to do tasks to enhance technology. Reaching society with affordable technologies and benefiting them out of it, has its high value on utilizing water resources. For this to happen, more is expected from every citizen. Here it is also important to ensure the sustainability of national projects and make certain that they will have no harm. The investors that come to developing countries have gained huge amounts of water. However, the pollution that comes out of these investors has not been treated well and severely damages the environment.

By and large, to sustain our water resources, we have to apply five steps. First, acknowledge the problem and identify the cause and factors that aggravate it, identify the reasons behind it. Taking knowledge-based measures which engage all actors to resolve the problem once and for all. Without limiting ourselves by this, ensuring its sustainability is important. The final task is treating the damaged areas due to the setback. Creating a sense of belongingness on executive bodies is quite important as polluting and damaging water bodies will have a huge impact on the lives of human beings.

Ethiopia has been undertaking tree plantation. What would be its impact on water resource development?

Planting trees by itself is not an end. The important thing is its benefit for water and other natural resources after bearing fruits. If it bears fruits, the benefit is countless. However, the performance varies as per the existing situation of the country. If we take our case, tree plantation stops soil erosion which has a severe impact on agriculture productivity. If there are no trees, the surface water declines as a result of evaporation. Similarly, it also creates a huge impact on climate change. Generally, trees have countless benefits for all human beings. For Ethiopians, a tree serves as a water-conserving tool. It serves as a shelter and serves as a place to carry out court services. We have strengthened the effort of tree plantations.

Some countries which have inadequate water resources have been registering excellent growth in agricultural productivity? What lesson can we get from them?

This is the point that helped us to outshine as a country in many respects. These countries are a model for others in utilizing the water resources well. If you take Israel for instance, it is a country going far away from the other in terms of irrigation agriculture. It reuses 85 percent of wastewater after treatment. The benefit of water resources is different as per the outlook of an individual. There are many kinds of waters. Gray, yellow and black waters are some of them. If these waters are treated well, they have plenty of benefits. Gray water, for instance, is a type of water that gives benefits to showers. At the national level, we have now produced various technologies helpful to treat water easily. We have to develop our water resources by applying technologies helpful for that. Water is not a permanent resource. Even if we say it is an abundant resource, it will not be adequate for us. Thus, applying the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) is not only a choice but a must. Professionals like me have done various tasks which were not reached to the community. Thus, we have to focus and utilize them as a priority.

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is a project which grabs the attention of the world. How do you relate GERD with Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan?

When we see GERD, it has its significance as over 64 percent of Ethiopian people live without light. It will also raise the capacity of generating electricity from hydropower and getting benefit out of it. It will also enable African countries to use the resources at hand together. The dam is constructed by our capacity. It has also ensured a sense of “I can”.

It is important to give high value to the project and perform tasks accordingly. No one should forget that Ethiopia is a country that contributes some 85 per cent of the Nile water. The country deserves acknowledgment as it has been developing its resources by its capacity and utilizing it properly without harming them. No one should be a loophole for the construction. The dam has the capacity of resisting high water flow, it also protects downstream countries from being hit by floods. For instance, the dam saves Sudanese people from flood, siltation and unnecessary cost to resolve siltation in their dam. Apart from this, constructed in Sudan and Egypt, the water would be wasted due to evaporation as the weather is hot in both countries. However, the dam which is built in Ethiopia has its benefit in terms of minimizing water waste or leakages. On the other hand, the dam would create a chance for the three countries to manage their property wisely looking at other options.

The Ethiopian Renaissance Dam has been facing various challenges over the past years. What does the law state in terms of water utilization?

The law has not put a water quota. It generally talks there should be fair and equitable water utilization among the down and upper stream countries. That is why these parties did not reach into agreements. All countries agreed upon one thing – development is vital for mutual benefits. However, they always bother about issues related to water administration. In this regard, Ethiopia is making herself ready.

Throughout the world, over 214 countries gain water from cross Border Rivers. Some 30 countries also obtain 1/3 of their water from other countries. There is nothing new in GERD unless they want to politicize the matter. Therefore, the two countries have to understand that Ethiopia has never changed its promise since the inception, they have to make history by renewing commitment to grow together.

Using all the water resource potentials including that of GERD, what tasks should be done to reach the level we aspire to, i.e., prosperity?

Like the rest of the world, unless we improve water resource utilization schemes sustainably, we are forced to create another planet which addresses the need of the ever-increasing population. This is unthinkable. Thus, we have to use the land we live in wisely by balancing all types of water resources. Education is above all a source of development. When we begin development on water and water bodies, we have to support them through education and technology. It is also important to encourage industries and other development institutions to produce half of the water they used. Though the issue of water is run by its ministry, it should be the issue of all citizens. Thus, it is a must to educate children by developing a curriculum. Apart from GERD, we have to focus on protecting other water resources. River Abay exists if and only if Lake Tana and other tributary rivers exist. We have to carefully implement the ‘Dine for the Nation’ Projects as they are a source of development.

Thank you for your valuable explanation.

Thank you too!

The Ethiopian Herald April 3/2021

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