Ethiopia, Greece keen to strengthen bilateral ties


ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia and Greece are keen to strengthen trade and investment ties.

Dr. Markos Tekle, State Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia and Terens-Ninkolaos, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic (Greece) yesterday discussed ways of bolstering bilateral trade and investment ties between the two countries.

Dr.Markos appreciated the longstanding and historic relations between the two countries, spanning more than a century of diplomatic relations. “Ethiopia and Greece are one of the oldest civilizations in the world with a shared history and an important contribution to world civilizations,” he said.

Terens-Ninkolaos on his part expressed his pleasure over the robust bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Greece in a wide range of issues such as business, tourism, investment, and trade. “The latest developments between Ethiopia and Eritrea will have a key role for the peace and security of the Horn of Africa region.” he pointed out.

Greece business delegation also arrived yesterday and is expected to further strengthen the business and investment ties between the two countries.

The Ethiopian Herald  March 7, 2019


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