Reliable data is more valuable than any resources: Scholars

ADDIS ABABA – Having accurate population data is more valuable than having surplus resources. Hence, in the fourth National Housing and Population Census, government and all stakes should work to get the reliable data of the population, recommended experts Ass. Prof. Terefe Degefa, a Lecturer at Addis Ababa University said that all development activities undertaken by government are designed based on the information gathered during the housing and population census. In this regard, having quality census data is vital.

Government that has no real data of its population cannot conduct proper national planning. And in order to realize development plans fairly across the country, the size, density, demography and other variables of the community should be known. “Population data, if undertaken properly, can be used a guiding resource to solve every political, social and economic challenges of the country” Unless care is taken from the beginning, [when it is collected, interpreted and analyzed] the end result would be unreliable and fake which affects the country in multiple ways.

To curb the challenges, the government should work to raise the awareness of the general public towards the value of the count, he remarked Hailu Rafera also a Lecturer at Addis Ababa University on his part said that undertaking housing and population census has vital advantages to devise public based policies, strategies and development plans by identifying the interests and limitations of a given community. He stressed that during housing and population census, an error can occur due to various reasons. The case is not unusual.

Though South Africa is recognized as a model in Africa, in terms of conducting relevant and reliable population census, it is not entirely free from biases. Thus, to restrain the errors as much as possible and carry out unbiased housing and population census, government should give training for people taking part in the survey, Hailu opined.

Herald March 6/2019


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