The junta is abated for good


Justice prevails in Ethiopia over the curse of rapacious junta.

Back stabbing Ethiopian National Defense force: – mid night of Nov. 4, 2020 the cynical veteran annoyed with bravado, in three decades voraciously robbed Ethiopia’s resource and military capital, and with wrong calculation stabbed the heroic, indefatigable, patriotic Ethiopian soldiers while solemnly guarding the Ethiopian border and Ethiopian in Tigray. Yet, the border with Eritrea has not demarcated because of the junta unjust mood. That is why Ethiopia and Eritrea was in a dead lock for 20 years after they went in to war in 1993.

The greedy veteran did not only innumerable grievances on the people of Ethiopia but also tried to be obstacle the vibrant reform agenda and inclusive politics. As they killed democracy and betrayal of the nation and its people during their illegitimate tenure of exclusive power grip, without even minute will of the people, the ignorant group worked out on us all possible sin on Earth. No junta is without sin.

Down the road of political corruption in the realm of unjust power of the junta, we deadly suffered in all forms of cruelty, savage killing, arbitrary detention, extra judiciary, mass grave, inhuman activities on political prisoners, divisiveness between the co-existing society, narrating the history to tear-up the nation and strategically put marshal plan for time-bombing scenario in different part of Ethiopia. Yes, temporarily operating the system in some purposefully excluded places in politics.

Devastating corruption in the operation of economy was very harmful that led to very unfair distribution of the economy. The greedy juntas have grabbed the welfare rapaciously while we stand well aware.

The junta’s track record in the destruction of the fabrics of the societies was beyond difficult to believe. No care for the country destines weather dismembers or totally lost. Totally ignorant, voracious, blinded junta was the poison for intermingled society, killer of economy, very narrow and stagnant political attitude, undemocratic and all bad characters helped for atrocities to humanity.

The autocratic control of Medias was definitely unthinkable. No freedom of thought, extreme censorship, using as propaganda machines and false reports as long as served the ill-interest of Junta.

Wrong ideology, that unfit to the present milieu, unacceptable by the current vibrant generation of Ethiopia.

On the contrary, the current ardent reformist government of Ethiopia which lay its foundation with the ideology of synergy for prosper Ethiopia in decade to come.

First and for most, the nation force with endured vision enforced the rule of law in the expected time as promised by the commander-in-chief of Ethiopia, Prime Minster Dr. Abiy Ahmed, the state man.

The successful completion of the military operation in tigray helped to get rid of junta from the political center both physically and political ideology wise. Hunting down junta to bring to court has continued and no one an abate using soft and hard means locally and internationally. Rule of law upholds in the country.

Of course, the government was on war against the juntas, not watering each other, that made disturbance in Tigray which had been expected. Hence the government established regional interim government, extremely busy in reconstruction, humanitarian aid and access, availing goods and services, working for ordering peace and security, defining stability and building confidence in the society are among some the activities to mention.

Once the operation totally exhausted, overall stability of the country will prevail as soon as possible. The glaring truth is Ethiopia rises against the wish of both the domestic junta and outside evils.

The forward looking has continued to implement the reform agenda effectively in a great shape for prudent socio-economic to afloat.

We together rise!! God bless all!!

The Ethiopian Herald March 16/2021

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