Ethiopia’s money can’t buy TechPlomacy


 Ethiopia has established good diplomatic relations with most developed and developing nations worldwide since time immemorial. The country for long also remained committed to the realization of cohesion, unity and solidarity with various nations worldwide.

On top of that, the country has been working in close collaboration with an array of nations worldwide to garner the much-needed technological support and technical assistance. Besides, the economic and political objectives, the foreign policy of the country in fact are directed at spurring technical and development cooperation with other strategic partners.

It is also no surprise that developing countries seek technical assistance from nations like Germany and South Korea. In fact, those countries expedited their economic development by investing in technical and vocational sector as they encourage innovation and entrepreneurship. Countries like Ethiopia in this regard have late comers’ advantages as they receive technical assistance from developed one.

Accordingly, Ethiopia has been closely working with Germany, China, South Korea, Japan and other developed nations to foster its technical and vocational sector in a move to spearhead economic growth. Ethiopia’s technical cooperation focuses on producing productive, self-supporting, well-versed, and groundbreaking human resources with accessible backings. Moreover, they have been working with the institute in the interest of meeting the market demand in terms of both quality and quantity and chipping in the development endeavors of the nation.

Indeed, the sector plays a major role in creating competent and self-reliant citizens to contribute to the economic and social development of the country and improving the livelihoods of all Ethiopians, and sustainably reducing poverty. The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institute now upgraded to Ethiopian Technical University has been the driving force in expanding technical and vocational activities.

Of late, The Ethiopian Herald had a short stay with Mekuria Nigatu, Director of Communication and Public Affairs at Ethiopian Technical University said, “The University has passed through many highs and lows to reach where it is at the present time.”

As the efforts of all pertinent bodies have been working by the sweats of their brow, the desired goal has been accomplished in a short space of time. I would go so far as to say, the university is moving in the right direction owing to the commitment of the university leadership. It has been as well working in close collaboration with different countries to accelerate TVET education across the country more than ever before.

In the present circumstances, the Ethiopian Technical University is achieving the envisioned target undertaking activities with various nations such as China, Korea, Finland, Netherland, German, World Bank, and others.

He went on to say, “At the outset, the World Bank has been supporting the university in various ways. In more concert terms, the organization has been building a center of excellence in the Horn of Africa by allocating a huge amount of capital. In addition to that, the World Bank has been giving prominence to leather and leather products that can improve training and research competencies and strengthen the delivery of quality education all over the country.”

“In a similar vein, the World Bank has been playing a major role in capacity building program with the object of improving the quality as well as the accessibility of TVET education.”

As learned from the Universality World News, Ethiopia has seven TVET institutions selected for the project. Kenya has six and Tanzania has four. The three countries were selected for the implementation of the project due to their performance in the area and their strong partnership with the World Bank.

The project focuses on improving the quality and accessibility of TVET education in the countries and supporting regional integration and regional economic corridors. The project will target the development of specialized technical skills in priority sectors that include transportation, energy, agro-processing, manufacturing, technology.

The East African Skills for transformation and Regional Integration Project will support the development and delivery of demand-driven TVET programs for technicians training in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Tanzania in the transport, energy, manufacturing, and ICT sectors.

As to the Director of Communication and Public Affairs, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has been delivering grant subsidy platform of the Korean government with the intention of clamping down on poverty and support the cohesiveness of socioeconomic growth of pattern nations. Among other things, they attach great importance to leadership and trainees’ quality targeting at taking the sector to new horizons and transforming the lives of many.

Aside from that, China has been working with Ethiopia like two peas in a pod with a view to developing a well-furnished vocational education system and producing technical assistance for Ethiopian Technical University.

Moreover, the country is making every effort to catapult the sector to the next level of achievement time and again. In the present circumstances, an electronic manufacturing training center which is the first of its kind is going to be built. It is an amazing project.

The government of Finland has been as well discharging a considerable amount of undertakings in connection with electronic learning. It is effectuating a 2.2 million Euro project which is going to see the day of light in 2021. When the project sees the day of light, it will take the country to the next level of achievement at the earliest opportunity.

The Netherlands is also among the other nations that have been standing by the side of the institute. It gives prominence to a bright future in agriculture. The intended target of the program is enhancing employability and food security in Ethiopia through quality ATVETs in horticulture as well as dairy and boosting the growth and productivity of the sector.

The German government is as well standing by the side of the institute. The KfW, a German state-owned Development Bank, is based in Frankfurt. They offer short training for workshops and other related aspects.

Manufacturing industries should be encouraged to build their technical, productive, and quality management capacities and enhance their competitiveness working hand in glove with different developed countries.

What is more, as education plays a major role in speeding up the overall socioeconomic progress of the country, TVET institutes, science and technology universities, research institutes and things of that sort should be encouraged to take the sector to the next chapter of success.

The Ethiopian Herald March 10/2021

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