Upcoming generation that went astray


Due to the provision of education of poor quality, it is a right assumption that the nation is in imminent woe and concern on the providence of the upcoming generation, so disclosed scholars.

Addis Ababa University (A.A.U) Researcher and Academic Staff Member, Dr. Ferdessa Jabsa said that the quality of education has gone downhill. The problem is ascribable to the main actors of political leaders, Ministry of Education and schools administrators, teachers and lecturers.

He stated that as a result, the next generation could be deficient in handling responsibility and duty of the country due to the fact that they are not trained well be it theoretical or practical aspect.

‘’ The interference of political leaders, absence of expertise, dearth of and dynamic leaders could force the education quality suffer a lapse,’’ he added.

Regarding academic freedom, he pointed out that though the expression of academic freedom has been clearly indicated one ducational proclamation 2001, it is abused by political leaders and school administrators.

MoE’s communication affairs director, Haregwa Mamo on her part said that facilitating quality of education is instrumental to remold the mindset of the coming generation for all-rounded development of the country.

She said that ensuring academic freedom, providing quality education fairly and evenly and stepping up quantitative education coverage are springboards to come up with a skilled and competitive generation.

About education quality, she said that MoE is doing its level best to reform the education quality by collecting inputs from representatives of the respective schools community. This will help it to draw a sound roadmap that extends to a 15-year period so as to bridge poor education quality gaps.

She further noted that MoE has been confronted with challenges and difficulties in the provision of qualitative education services.

Capability gaps in governmental educational institutions as well as skill gaps among school administrators and teachers are some of chasms attributable to poor quality education.

Concerning academic freedom, she pointed out that MoE has firm stance on the expression of academic freedom in all schools and academic institutions by setting a launching pad to discuss on the performance of education, education policy and strategy, among others.

Adding, she said that blaming and backbiting MoE about the absence of academic freedom is totally out of sight and out of mind misjudgment. Facts on the ground are much better. Complainers better introspect to bring alternative solutions for the education claimed devoid of quality and negative influential factors.

She remarked that MoE has been exerting its maximum effort towards the inclusion, empowerment of all citizens of the country regardless of ethnic, gender and religion background. MoE expresses readiness to laud any institution and state which proves exemplary in the improvement of educational quality.

The Ethiopian Herald March 3, 2019


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