Adwa a source of inspiration for African generation

ADDIS ABABA- The victory of Adwa is a big inspiration for this African generation and all African countries should attach added significance to it, said scholars.

Abebe Assefa Associate Professor of Social Work at AAU told to The Ethiopian Herald that Adwa lends confidence for most colonized African countries. And Ethiopia is an epitome of freedom for Africa and all black people fighting for liberty. The big mistake for Africans lies in failure regarding the exchange of history. Instead of emulating that model history, mostly, Africans stayed locked in civil wars and lapsed into the quagmire of poverty.

But as to him, there are some African countries which are displaying better development winning colonialism, doing away with undemocratic system and fighting poverty. Adwa has a great role for this change and this generation should take lessons from Adwa to engage in a developmental thrust more committed.

He added that victory of Adwa is a victory of all Africans and black people’s victory and Africans need to give emphasis to it because Adwa made Africa to remain for Africans. He concluded, Ethiopians should take the responsibility to put Adwa on higher space.

Girimay Halefom History, Heritage Management and Social Anthropology Department Lecturer at Axum University said on his part, Adwa for Africa is a symbol of freedom, equality and adamancy to subjugation. Via the victory of Adwa, Africans had assured for the rest of the world that Africans or blacks could govern themselves well, could be administered by their own leaders and they could unleash their own resources. They demonstrated the equality of mankind.

He added, the victory of Adwa is achieved by the Ethiopians of a wide spectrum of ethnic mix. This generation can learn many things from the victory perseverance, indomitability, optimism, confidence and coexistence, among others,.

“If Africans deploy a concerted effort they could actualize needed change. Otherwise, they will not be able to actualize change. The continent will not buckle under the pressure of foreign power. But if African countries are rocked by conflict inside, they will be pressurized by foreigners, we can learn more from Adwa,” Girimay said.

He also stressed that all Africans should celebrate the victory of Adwa as their own victory and Ethiopian scholars, the government and other stakeholders should work more to give a better place for Adwa in Africa.

The Ethiopian Herald March 3,2019


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