Institutionalizing legacies of Adwa to build better future


As we turn the page of history, the Victory of Adwa appeared to be one of the most precarious battles that changed the attitude and psychological makeup of the black people that had been on the sea of darkness.

Such a magnificent incident laid foundation for the formation of modern Ethiopia, signaled a strong message and inspired Africans and black people across the globe to develop the spirit of ‘it is possible.’

History has to be well documented and archived for the posterity to teach and reteach the legacies it ushered. The Battle of Adwa, apart from being a magnificent incident that black people defeated modern and well equipped European white colonial forces, it had also knotted and brought together diverse ethnic groups to stand as one and defend their country; what historians called it ‘mysterious magnetism’.

The Battle involved men, women, farmers, priests and Azmaries (traditional singers). Ethiopia’s disciplined soldiers confronted the highly trained Europeans. Boom after boom of modern weapons, the smell of gun powder and skyline trenches did not restrict them to make the great works of the day.

Though history seemed to be changed ever since the invention of Maxim gun that enabled Europeans seize the continent at no cost of fatality. Ethiopians with their scimitars and courage scored the highest victory.

At the course of the war, all contributed what  they can and made a history that the whole black people cherish and proud of it. Adwa, as it is a history and victory of black people that they highly appreciate and value it; it is paramount of importance to make the area tourist destination and research center.

In fact, efforts are being devised to institutionalize the place and Ethiopia has intensified its efforts towards the establishment of a Pan-African University  that aspires to pay tribute to black people’s achievements and history, with due emphasis given to the fight against colonialism.

Professor Getachew Kassa, African Studies PhD Program Coordinator with moment of togetherness with The Ethiopian Herald said that Statesmen and pertinent authorities have to give due concern for institutionalize the Adwa Victory.

The geographical landscape of Adwa is suitable for eco-tourism development. If efforts are devised to make the area tourism center, it will be likely to reap the largest gains.

According to the scholar, the mountainous area of Adwa can attract immigrant birds from Europe and can be the preferred tourist destination and an academic and research center of Africa.

Years before, there was an initiative to build Adwa Pan African University with the aim of dignifying and signifying the Victory of blacks against whites and witnessing  equality of mankind.

Such a grand project has to be strengthened with the concerted efforts of the entire people, leaders, and the international community, historians who stand by the side of the fact.

If situations permit, the establishment of Adwa Pan African University will play a magnificent role to change the name of East Africa which was considered the most volatile regions of the Continent.

The integrated and comprehensive efforts of geologists, zoologists, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Education among others is also of paramount importance in promoting Adwa; and building the posterity.

An international conference that envisaged to fast-track the establishment of the Adwa Pan-African University was underway in Ethiopia’s northern town of Adwa.

Ethiopia’s former Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, while once addressing conference participants, has stressed the importance the Adwa Pan-African University in preserving African history and culture by focusing on Africans’ solidarity in the fight against colonialism.

Hailemariam, who previously called on Ethiopians to support the establishment of the Adwa pan-African University as it mainly aspires to signify the contribution of black people from every walks of life, also stressed the historical importance of the university for Ethiopia in particular and Africa in general.

The Adwa Pan-Africa University is named after the Battle of Adwa held in 1896, in which the less-equipped Ethiopian forces scored a victory against the colonial Italian force.

The battle of Adwa, which is also referred to as the first Ethiopia-Italian war, marks the first black victory against a colonizer force in the African Continent. The war is believed to initiate other freedom fighters in the African continent to struggle towards independence.

The conference, which is also expected to discuss the design of the university, cost and public participation in the construction of the university, has also attracted the pan-African bloc’s attention.

Thomas Kwesi Quartey, the then African Union Commission (AUC) Deputy Chairperson, who recognized the Ethiopian government’s initiative in its cause, said that the Adwa Pan-African University signifies the battle of Adwa, which he said had helped other African countries to strengthen their struggle for freedom.

As the Ethiopian government expects a continent-wide support for the construction of the Pan-African University as it signifies alliance among Africans, other African countries had recognized Ethiopia’s ambition towards establishing the University.

African leaders, including Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and former South African President Thabo Mbeki, were among the high-level officials attending the cornerstone laying ceremony for the construction of the University in the northern part of the East African country.

It is recalled that the Ethiopian government has allocated some 150 hectares of land for the construction of the Adwa Pan-African University.

The Ethiopian Herald March 2/2021

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