Adwa Victory Unity against external hostility despite differences is still in Ethiopia’s DNA


Victory of Adwa had proved colonial powers wrong. It is still a living testimony of the strength and sacrifices of Ethiopians made to defend the dignity and sovereignty of their country that a united people can defeat well-armed aggressor.

Ethiopians putting their differences aside had fought together, died and triumphed together. The victory of Adwa has long been serving as a reference to not only Ethiopians but the whole world that the impossible is possible.

Prior to the battle, Ethiopia had been caught between internal division and rivalry, but all conflicting parties had journey under the same command and united forces to drive away invaders.

This has long been in the DNA of Ethiopian sprits. On the other side, there were few traitors who stood by the side of the aggressors and conspired against their country.

History is also repeating itself these days. While the whole Ethiopians join hands to realize the flagship projects of the country not few also are seen conspiring against their country by colluding with external forces.

In what could be said the sense of modern Adwa, Ethiopians have stood unified when the country’s sovereignty was put at risk by TPLF clique when they attacked the North Command of Ethiopian Defense Forces. Similarly, Ethiopians at home and abroad also rallied behind the construction of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Politicians from several parties are also accused some parties of having “link with externals particularly with colluding powers who are attempting to dismantle Ethiopia’s politics and national integrity.

In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Tigistu Awolu, politician said that “not few political parties have linked with external forces that are working against Ethiopia’s national interest.

National interest needs to be protected through foiling political conspiracies, he added.

Zelalem Workagegnehu, Communication Affairs Director of Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice has also told The Ethiopian Herald that this is a time that political parties come together and should defend the national interests and sovereignty of the country as Adwa patriots did.

“We have been accused of being pro ruling party and instrument of the government because of we supported the national campaigns to defend national sovereignty, I think,” he said.

Remembering Adwa Victory, he noted that the triumph against invaders had been possible because of the national integrity of the forefathers despite internal political divergences.

The victory has undoubtedly set an example that countries can defend aggressors no matter how poor and technological inefficient than the forces.

Zelalem also said that we have relative organized institutions to abort the current mindboggling issues which are basically raised from allied external forces and internal militants.

“There is great misconception of national sovereignty. Some see sovereignty as territorial subject, while others define it in different way. For us [for Ezema], sovereignty in this time is a matter of defending national interest from both internal and external aggressors,” he said.

Adding, Adwa victory has a great proof that building internal integration and strong central government are the foremost line of action to defend sovereignty. “So, we all should struggle against actions to disintegrate the people,” he noted.

“Parties that expect to have seat in the government. I think they should be aware of two things first. The one is that conspiring on the governing administration could not result in democracy and stability, they should rather ongoing effort to build democratic institutions as well as criticize the bad deeds of the ruling.”

And the second one is that engaging in actions to weaken national institutions will never result in political success than leaving the country without string institutions and loss of national sovereignty, he added.

Noting, national interest can be defined based on trans-border issues. But, it must be protected in combined effort of all sides of domestic forces regardless political differences and other denominations, he added.

“Internal division and aggressive approaches are likely to give leeway for external intervention, thus all have to be conscious of national interests and hallmarks of sovereignty like that of Victory of Adwa.”

Explaining of the current situations of the Ethio-Sudan border tension, he stressed that “why the national defense forces is not actively responding to Sudanese aggression has to do with internal situation, he said.

On the other hand, pressures from several foreign forces or groups have seen mounting against the country. These are actions that are directed against Ethiopia’s national interest that everyone should fight.

Thusly, “Ethiopians should join hands to foil such interests as things will go worse if not prevented in time,” he opined.

Public Relation Head of Oromia Liberation Front OLF, Kejela Merdasa in his part has also told that his party has a highest respect to martyrs during the victory.

Talking The Ethiopian Herald he noted that the Victory of Adwa had been realized because of Ethiopians unity in diversity. Diversity is power.

“No matter how divided internal were, Ethiopians had paid their lives for as Italy attempted to invade their land.”

He further noted that “I know many thousands of cavalries, (which was not expected by the enemy), from Oromia had fought with the invaders, and others from every corner of the country had also paid their lives in defense of national sovereignty.”

Of course, Ethiopians during the time were patriots and warriors especially when it comes to territorial integrity and sovereignty. So we believe the passion which was in Adwa is still in alive in the current generation, he added.

“Certainly, we can not build common notions in all aspects, but it is possible to build relative consensus,” he told.

Commenting the current contribution of parties’, he said that there were some positive beginning to bring parties together and we should avoid conspiring against one another, he recommended.

He stated that parties should narrow down their differences and stand together on national issues, this has undeniable solution to unite the people against modern day external and hostile aggressors.

The Ethiopian Herald March 2/2021

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