Let the Diaspora converge towards Black History Month

Last September, the government of Ethiopia announced plan to establish a Diaspora agency in a bid to boost the involvement of the Diaspora in the local development as well as to facilitate the benefits they need from their country.

It is a big move by the government that takes into account the invaluable potential of Ethiopian diaspora to contribute to the multifaceted development of their country. So far they have been doing their level best through the available means created by the government. Yet they still need due attention to contribute more for their country as well as to benefit from their rights as citizens.

It is good news that the government has launched the agency yesterday. The first part of the news worth mentioning is that the government has taken no time to put into practice its plan of realizing the agency so that the set goals can be achieved. The second and timely part of the issue is that the agency is coming in to effect at the right time Ethiopians are celebrating the 123rd Anniversary of the victory of Adwa.

The victory is so historical and inspirational in that it is the outcome of the invincible spirit of African people to safeguard independence, sovereignty and dignity. The victory which is won by a backward and poor African country over a developed and well armed European colonial power symbolizes the true impact of the national feeling of Africans. Inspired by the gallant victory of Ethiopians, many black people in Africa, America and Caribbean, among others have waged struggle against colonial rule, racial discrimination and violation of their rights.

As a result many people of African origins like African Americans dedicate a day or a month to commemorate the sacrifice paid by our forefathers which has gone beyond borders to spread the outcomes of the victory. For example African Americans celebrate the Month of February as Black History Month. Among other factors, the selection of the Months has a lot to do with the Victory of Adwa as, the Ethiopians made the history in the month of Yekatit, which, according to the Ethiopian calendar is equivalent to February.

In addition to the victory of Adwa, Ethiopians have paid sacrifice in blood due to the fascist aggression in 1936 in Addis Ababa. This historically unforgettable incident also took place in the same month. Hence, the coming into effect of the Diaspora agency in this historical month is a worthwhile moment.

Black people inhabit many places in the world. Almost all of them observed their own days or month of black history. But the month of February is taken as the Black History Month in America. While respecting their rights to choose their own date or month that appeal to their respective situation, it is important to work towards magnifying the big historical reasons behind the selection of February as a Black History Month.

By doing so, all people of African origins elsewhere in the world can converge towards a specific and united goal. Ethiopian diaspora could also contribute in bringing together these people of African origin by amplifying the great historical achievements of their compatriots during the month. Just as they strive towards their rights here at home they can also work as ambassadors of African causes in their respective places of residence.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 2/2019

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