Injecting Tytu’s values to the current generation of women

Empress Taytu Betul who was the wife of Emperor Menilik II is worth telling figure in the history of Ethiopia for her contribution particularly during the battle of Adwa. She had key role in the victory against the Italian colonial power.

It was Empress Taytu who worked out the plan which led to the Ethiopian victory at Mekelle, and her presence was crucial in the Ethiopian victory at Adwa in 1896, the most significant victory of any African army during the peak of European colonialism. Taytu Betul was truly Ethiopian sunshine, and should forever be remembered as one of the greatest empresses of Ethiopia and Africa as a whole.

When Emperor Menelik II decide “KETET” [war moblization] Proclamation to his campaign of Adwa, she led 3,000 infantry man, 6,000 dragoons and 15,000 warriors of Ras mekonen. And after her husband Menelik II died in 1913, she had key role in ruling the country. Taytu was also the right hand women to Emperor Menelik in taking care of many things. She was an inspiring woman to the generations of today.

In fact, these days there seems to come fertile ground for women to realize their visions. After the coming of Dr. Abiy Ahmed to office, many women have been able to take key ministerial positions. The cabinet has now a record number of women accounting 50 percent not to mention the Sahlework Zewedie who is the first female president to ever serve the country as FDRE President. Not only do the women take many posts , so do hold key posts. Not only in the political positions, there are a lot of women in different big organizations like Ethiopian airlines because they have the power to change the company and also serve the country. Bizunesh Meseret is State Minister of Culture and Tourism.

She said she and the likes of her are working to foster the development of the country , one cannot clap by one hand and the whole system would fail, if it does not involve all segments of the society. “I have been contributing my share since I started to serve my country. I was at same position at the Ministry of Women and Children where I and my colleagues worked lots of job to encourage more women participation. Women were part of Ethiopian history and were taking part in the battles against Italian aggressors.

Now they participate in political and economical development. Despite progress, women’s involvement is still insignificant in the country, Ethiopia should work a lot to close gender gap in the country and to bring more women at the center of policy making and development.

Herald March 1/2019


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