Scholars’ stress research-based institution building

ADDIS ABABA – The ongoing institution building ought to rest on solid base, scholars say, stressing the need for participating think-tank groups and academic institutions.

The reform actions on government institutions become complete when pertinent bodies emulate lessons from past failures and institutions could incorporate far-sighted missions and visions in their efforts, according the scholars The Ethiopian Herald approached. AAU College of Development Studies Head of Center for Rural Development Asst.

Prof. Worku Tuffa said research areas needs to focus, among others, on ways and means of integrating government institutions to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. To achieve this, according to him, university-industry linkage could serve as important platform. Universities’ graduate a number of students year in and year out and this effort ought to be fitted with the industries’ demands and organizations visions, according to him.

Col. Feked Gebreyes, Associate Consultant at Ethiopian Management Institute and Strategy said government organizations needs periodic overhauls like human being that needs health check-up. Consultants looks into the structure and profitability and suggest possible recommendation that could redeem organization from failure, he said. Advices and trainings usually come after proper diagnosis, he said.

The ongoing reform efforts of the government have put institution building at its center. The army has become torchbearer in the reform effort that stretches up to revising laws to enable the force equip itself with commands the modern dictate requires. The reform focuses, among others, the formation of cyber force and naval force while ensuring transparency, it was learnt.

Herald March 1/2019



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