Warm treatments to war prisoners

It may sound perplexing for warring party to extend warm treatments to prisoners of wars. But that was what really happened during the battle of Adwa where Ethiopians treated the Italian fighters surrendered at the bloody clash.

Some find it hard to be convinced the positive gesture of Ethiopians who sacrificed a lot towards the Italian troops who also fought and led to the death of many Ethiopian warriors. Documents have it that fair treatment of those who surrendered had been the part and parcel of Ethiopian history. Though it was largely unnoticed and written about.

One of the untold parts of Adwa victory is Ethiopia’s handling of war of prisoners. Kebede Amare is a lecturer at Mekelle University. He said that Ethiopians were kind enough to provide safe exit of enveloped Italian fighters at different battles though had the capability to inflict harms. The heroism of our fighters has been praised but other aspects of the war seem to be undermined.

There were fighters caught at Amba Alagi, Mekelle Enda Eyesus but were granted safe exit to territories held by Italy. Even the extreme kind gesture cost the country a lot with the freed fighter coming back and participating in the battle of Adwa. This may be taken as a mistake in military strategy but surly implies the candid nature of Ethiopians.

During the Battle of Adwa, high ranking commanders of Italians were caught but following the peace treaty reached between the two sides after the Ethiopian Victory, the prisoners were mercifully released and taken safely to the territory Italy had been controlling, Kebede adds. “Fair treatments of fighters had been at the heart of Ethiopian history. This somehow is a long practiced Ethiopian value which has been entrenched in the indigenous culture to welcoming migrants which dates back to the Muslim faithful during Axumite period.”

Herald March 1/2019


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