123rd Victory of Adwa Commemoration The might of unity

Well over hundred years ago, there came Ethiopia’s historic triumph against the wellequipped Italian invading forces at the battle of Adwa. It was so grand that it also ignited fierce black resistance against the white colonialists across the horizon.

The Ethiopian warriors under same flag spoke same words and acted in same swords to smash the European power in defiance of their sovereignty at the mountains of Adwa in 1896. That is why perhaps, experts argue there could be no better action than Adwa victory to describe the might of unity.

Though slight disagreements existed among the different rulers of the nation, Adwa served as a conciliatory gesture and unifying symbol which experts see it would also serve as a point of reference for internal unity nowadays. “The battle of Adwa is what really defines us as a country, as the only nation to emerge victorious in the fight against mighty European nation. Hadit not been for the Ethiopian warriors’ unity and determination, the victory would not have been realized”, says, Prof. Tenkir Bonger, a developmental economist.

To have defeated the colonists was part of Ethiopia’s long held value against injustice. Defiance is ingrained in Ethiopian values. Adwa is cultural, historical resource and part of our personality. The defiance and the unity have been passing down to generations and that are the very values that the current generation should perpetuate. “Nothing could have been more threatening to the unity of the country like the colonial power did but our forefathers because they did not flinch were able to make possible the impossible.” Internal confrontations among the elites have long been there.

There are also minor skirmishes here and there but Ethiopia is above everything else. In addition, the only way to patch up internal differences is through democracy that fit to the context of the country. There is no need to copy and paste western values. There are Ethiopian values including Adwa victory that serve long the country and steer it in the right, Prof. Tenkir adds. “We need to be focused on upholding our social formation and historical values to guide the country into a brighter future.

We should not super impose western values in any spectrum without scrutinizing and contextualizing them.” Adwa was a huge breakthrough towards ending white supremacy over black people.

It is a great victory where not only Ethiopians but also other black peoples should amplify and magnify as well. It demonstrated the love for liberty, unity, country as well as human dignity that led to the Victory, which the current generation must uphold. Mohamed Kassa is a promoter who largely engages in promoting historical cultural values of the country. Prior to the victory of Adwa there had been catastrophic famine and diseases.

There had been also rivalry and power struggle among rulers of various areas. But putting their difference aside, they stood together and emerged victorious. “Adwa is our best reference on the value of unity on the face of troubles. It teaches us as nation to remain united and leave every minor difference for greater cause of Ethiopian nationalism. Everything is secondary and there is no alternative to national unity.” “We should exhaustively uncover the true history of country and learn from it.

It is up to us to a dig bit deep and draw lessons for current use.” Everyone regardless of differences was in action that is what we should demonstrate these days. A united people will never be defeated” Ethiopians should stand together and put aside differences amid internal and external threats to build a strong, prosperous and peaceful nation, which were the true characters of our ancestors that led to the triumph.

Dr. Ayele Bekri, a historian and lecturer at Mekelle University for his part states that extreme ethnic tendency has reached boiling point, which would threaten the national unity of the country. There is need for moving in to being nation oriented. We need to look at Adwa as unity and policy reference. The country cannot realize unity without upholding the historical values particularly that represent every group.

The victory serves as a base for the future destiny of the country and the black people at large. Adwa is central to sense of togetherness, cooperation. History should not to be undermined and scrambled. “We need to push for Ethiopian identity in the way that accommodates diverse groups and views.

The victory besides maintaining sovereignty of the nation, showed a great determination to stand together and campaign against a common enemy. Hence, following the footsteps of the patriotic fathers, the current generation must avoid discord and different views to hand over a united and strong nation to the future generation, he adds.

“The present time puts onus on the elites to be democrat and strike balance between multi ethnicity and unity. That is the only way to stay strong and unified.” The 123rd commemoration of the victory of Adwa will be official marked tomorrow throughout the country. There have already been series of programs to celebrate the victory which initiated U-turn in the struggle of black people.

Herald March 1/2019


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