Pivotal step for turning new page in Ethiopia: The 6th national elections


After a number of factors such as COVID-19 and other related aspects affecting the running of national elections, Ethiopia has recently fixed time to conduct the sixth national elections in June, 2021. Yes, the Ethiopian government announced that preparations have been finalized to conduct the 6th national elections as the National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) is undertaking all necessary preparations and making itself ready to effectively discharge its duties and responsibilities as per the mandate given to it.

Accordingly, one of the activities set by NEBE on the election calendar for the 6th national elections is providing political parties with ample opportunity to select their election codes or symbols. Up on the invitation cascaded from the NEBE, all political parties have selected their election symbols and get the latter approved by the NEBE.

It is well recognized that the 2021 general election is postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the House of Peoples’ Representatives approved the postponement of the election. At present, people have been eager to participate in the upcoming elections. So far the election debate is not started. Opposition political parties are also waiting for the debate so as to entertain their agendas and manifesto with a view to winning public confidence thereby assuming power through ballot box.

Officials said that the 2021 upcoming Ethiopian general elections is supposed to be the most free, fair and democratic election compared to the previous ones.

Ethiopia holds five general elections so far and all those elections had not been able to attract public attention as most of the time they were influenced by a range of factors. Of the previous elections the once conducted in 2005 was extraordinarily coupled with elements compromising its fairness, its repercussions led the public to a deadly clash between members of opposition parties and that of the government. Such kinds of election related disputes are common during and after the election process in particular.

Targeting at solving such unprecedented or calculatingly held problems, the government established neutral investigation desk. Accordingly, the government announced that it has established an independent investigation desk with a view to dealing with only election related aspects during the election around the corner.

Public Relations Head of Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) Kejela Merdasa, told The Ethiopian Herald that this year’s election is the most important election in the history of the country as Ethiopia is in a wider trajectory of reforms in terms of social, economic and political arena.

Establishing such kinds of institutions is timely and quite crucial to make the upcoming election credible, fair and just. The desk supports very much and strengthens the government efforts in conducting fair election. Since the system is new and challenges are inevitable to face, the entire process can help the nation draw important lessons and share experience in due process of conducting the upcoming election.

There had been so many debates, unsatisfied comments regarding the election, suing concerned bodies, and others were highly witnessed during the past elections. The establishment of the institution may resolve such kinds of confusion that happened during the election if managed properly.

Federal Police Deputy Commissioner General, Zelalem Mengiste said that the 6th National Election is given due attention as the country is under wider political reform. The government is committed to create conducive environment for citizens to elect their representatives freely and without any pressure. Election related problems have emanated from regular violations of laws, he said, adding that a neutral election investigation desk that meets international standards is established. The attorney general and courts have also set mechanisms that only serve election related issues separately.

Politician and Former Chairman of Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) Tigistu Awelu said that establishing such kids of system helps create conducive environment so as to conduct credible election. We all know what happened in the past election especially the 2005 election in which the ballot box was stolen and the then government denied the defeat and controlled power forcefully. The establishment of such independent investigation desk will minimize such kinds of election related risks.

Leader of Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice (EZEMA) Professor Birhanu Nega said all our ambition is to conduct credible and fair election and all opposition parties have to play significant role in making the upcoming election credible and fruitful. We believe we all win in the long run.

The government should be responsible for ensuring security, avoiding any kinds of harassment of opposition candidates, as well as running activities for the prober and independent functioning of election related institutions such as NEBE, the judiciary, attorney general, human right commission, security apparatus and others. We, as opposition parties, have a significant role in ensuring peace and stability in collaboration with the government according to the established rule.

“If we all can do our part, I believe we all win in the long run by avoiding false narratives. The previous elections can provide us with good lesson to well draw and shape ourselves accordingly. We have to learn from the painful lesson from the past. As this time is a very sensitive period of transition, we have to eye at the long term systematic issues than the short term engagements. There are so many unresolved issues and this election will be a meaningful battle of ideas to address them.”

Head of National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) Birtukan Mideksa said that laws are amended and the new election law is very participatory and inclusive. We have had a chance to fix problems and limitations related to the past election. At the same time opposition parties have been provided with a chance to express their views confidently. Compared to the previous period, opposition parties started trusting in the board and all parties have a chance to express their ideas freely without any interference using the advantages granted by the amended laws.

The board is highly discussing and facilitating a way to make the upcoming election free, fair and democratic. The engagement of the board with civil society is high and 300 civil society organizations were provided training and 179 local civil society organizations applied to observe.

The government of Ethiopia has already invited international observers to take part in the election and unfortunately COVID-19 interrupted. We expect more than 50 million people will cast vote. The election will be held across the nation with the exception of Tigray region. Close to 663 constituency offices all over the country are needed for the election. All opposition parties have equal access to media coverage, she said.

Dr. Gedion Timotewos, Attorney General, on his part said that the 2021 election will be conducted in a much better freedom and democratic space compared to the past elections. Most of the elections in the past were not really credible and even some describe it as disgraceful election. The upcoming election will be the major departure in this regard.

Wider space for political contestation, well established election system, vibrant civil society, political pluralism, much vibrant media landscape and others will make the upcoming election democratic and credible.

On the other hand, since there are so many challenges that might potentially baffle the democratic transition such as weak means of resolving political and election dispute, extremist and radical political outlooks accompanied with incitement and instigation of conflicts and violence, disinformation, misinformation, hate speech, among others, they need to be seriously tackled.

The administration is trying to adopt long term perspective looking beyond the election. “The upcoming election is very critical milestone in the democratic transition of the country, but is not alpha and omega of the reform process.”

So far training has been provided for the law enforcement personnel to help them understand their role in democratic election, and we hope the upcoming election will be the most democratic and credible election than the ones we have experienced so far.

Gedion also stated that even if there are ups and downs, the transition has been stepping on the right track. There is commitment on the side of government and also on the side of opposition parties to hit the set target conducting a justifiable election.

Chairman of Ethiopian Social Democratic Party (ESDP) Professor Beyene Petros on his part said that there is better confidence on the election law as it looks participatory. As all political parties have common ground—building a democratic nation—they have to be committed to conduct a peaceful democratic discourse in a bid to transform the country to a better level. Through process democratic playfield will be secured, he said.

Enforcing the laws against whom they would like to incite and instigate conflict against innocent civilians is necessary precondition for democratic election. The demise of the TPLF is widely welcomed and it enhances the desire for comprehensive political debate and dialogue. The election cannot be organized in Tigray region due to the security situation.

The upcoming national election represents critical juncture in the modern history of Ethiopia and a pivotal step for the current generation to define the reality in the year to come.

Professor Beyene said that inclusiveness and participatory dialogue are among the next core plans so as to conduct free, fair and democratic system though it is not an overnight process. Such a democratic move has to pass down to the generation to have a prosperous and democratic nation-Ethiopia. If truth be told, it is high time for Ethiopia to turn the page, bring about sustainable political order as well as define the future.

The Ethiopian Herald 12 February 2021

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