Adwa: African emblem of freedom


125 years ago Africans (black people) were not consider as a fully human being. They were considered as sub-human. For that reason, whatever belongs to them was not considered as theirs. Not only the property they own, even their labor was not considered as theirs. That is why, when the white supremacy was at its zenith, Africans were sold as commodity and their land was considered as the white currency. The white colonialists have achieved their goal almost in every African country.

Using their tricks and other mechanisms, they were able to own the people and the land as well. However, there was one single African country- Ethiopia- that resists the attempt of colonizers and inflicted a shameful defeat on the Fascist Italy. This battle where Ethiopians defeated Italian forces at Adwa was not considered only the defeat of Italy, it was even considered as the white defeat.

125 years have already passed. Ethiopians have already defeated colonialism with its entire legacy. However, the new generation has failed to defeat itself. Adwa is not the victory of a single ethnic group or a single person. It is the victory of every Ethiopian that lives in those days. The quality leadership of the then Emperor Menelik II and his wife may have a key role for the success of the war. But, there is one important binding force-Ethiopianism.

When the Italian forces attempt to invade Ethiopia they have miscalculated the military skill of Ethiopians and the strong bondage among the society. They even have tried to bribe some chiefs (as they did in other African countries) to stand by their side. However, when they march to conquer Ethiopia they have realized how poor their strategy was. Ethiopia might be a country with different ethnic groups, cultures and religions. But, they have one spirit on the issue of Ethiopia. That was the biggest mistake where Italians made when they do their math.

In those moments, Italians had better weapons but, that does not mean Ethiopians were in the Stone Age who were using traditional spear and shield. Thanks to the courageous sons and daughters of Ethiopia, there were several modern weapons those Ethiopians acquire through times. But, it was not only the modern weapon that enables Ethiopians to defeat the invading force. It was the moral and sense of Ethiopiansim that wiped out Italian force.

Despite the fact that Italians had modern means of organizing military force, Ethiopians had a common sense that brought them together into one ground. Following the urge Emperor Menelik II extended to the people to defend their nation from the invasion of Fascist Italy; no single soul has resisted him. There might be internal difference among central government and others. But, it did not prevent them to side with the Emperor and die for motherland, Ethiopia.

Italians were equipped with modern and better weapons but, so does Ethiopians. This weapon is not something made in ammunition factory. It was strong sense of protecting motherland at any cost.

As it was indicated by Associate Professor Abebaw Ayalew, Ethiopians had exceeded Italian force by all means. The moral, the structure and the willingness to die for motherland cannot match with the invading force.

The role of women during the battle is worth mentioning here. Starting from the heroine Empress Tayitu to the maidens had a significant role in the battle. Thousands have participated in the war directly or indirectly.

Before the outbreak of the actual battle, there were pandemic and locusts’ storm and other challenges. This could have reversed the story of the war. However, Ethiopian women, using all their skill and moral had been providing all the necessary support to the military. This had a significant role in the battle.

Unity among Ethiopians is one of the secret of Adwa Victory. No matter how different ethnic group every military man represented or no matter what political difference existed, they were against all forms of invasion. This is witnessed several times. This commitment is witnessed not only against foreign invading forces. It is also witnessed recently when the TPLF junta tries to jeopardize the peace and stability of the nation.

For centuries, Africans were considered as sub-human. The trans-Atlantic slave trade, the Berlin Conference and others had witnessed this. However, the victory of Adwa has disproved the miscalculation of European colonialist.

Adwa is not simply a battle where Ethiopians defeated Italians. It is also the other side of Ethiopiansim. No single person can think of Ethiopia without remembering Adwa. Let alone Ethiopian, every African should also mark Adwa which is African emblem of freedom. Adwa is Ethiopia; Adwa is Africa; Adwa is an emancipation of all the suppressed people.

The Ethiopian Herald February 11/2021

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