Affected communities need relief provision not politicization


Clearly, the law enforcement operation in Tigray state has upped the number of people looking for humanitarian assistances in the state, the TPLF clique is mainly to blame for the unfortunate situation though. The number of people in need of relief is being politicized with some portraying a grim version of it and others reducing the scale of the situation.

One thing is clear though, the situation of the affected community and the refugees sheltering in the state have already received continued to attract attention from in and out of the country. The bottom line however is that there are people who need urgent and unhindered support no matter what their number is.

In his recent article published on a project-syndicate organization website entitled ‘Towards a peaceful order in the horn of Africa’, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Ph.D) said “Ending the suffering in Tigray and around the country is now my highest priority. This is why I am calling for the United Nations and international relief agencies to work with my government so that we can, together, deliver effective relief to all in Tigray who need it.”

Meanwhile, Abiy said that the country is working day and night to deliver necessary supplies to citizens in Tigray and to those in neighboring provinces, as well as to ensure that human rights are respected and normal lives restored. To succeed, many challenges must be overcome. For example, reconnecting communication lines deliberately destroyed by the TPLF is testing our capacity to deliver humanitarian aid. In this work of reconstruction, the international community can be of enormous help.

“My government is also prepared to assist community leaders in Tigray who are dedicated to peace. Indeed, we are already reaching out to them.”

Despite currently caught in humanitarian challenges both in Tigray and Metekel areas of Benishangul Gumuz state, Ethiopia has long been the largest refugee hosting country and this continues to this very day. As to the latest report by the Agency for Refugees and Returnees, more than 900 thousands of refugees from different countries have been sheltered in Ethiopia currently.

“Its years of relative tranquility, welcoming community and government resolve not least conflicts in neighboring countries have made Ethiopia the best refuge for refugees. The country received acclamation from relief and other humanitarian agencies including United Nations High Commission for Refugee (UNHCR). Tigray state that is now at the center of humanitarian challenges has been sheltering thousands of refugees from Eritrea and both the hosting communities and refugees have been affected by the law enforcement operation that was triggered by TPLF’s attack against the North Command of Ethiopian Defense Forces.

But misinformation and disinformation and politicization are surrounding the humanitarian situations by those who want to make the situation source of political gains. Several hearsays from several directions have been forwarded about the situation and UNHCR has warned all bodies to closely monitor the situation and avoid misinformation. The government has accused some media outlets and foreign based activists of working with TPLF cliques by fabricating and disseminating false information about the humanitarian situation in the state.

According to UNHCR report, about 25, 000 Eritrean refugees have been waiting for urgent aid in two refugee camps, Mai Ayini and Adi Harush. The situation is improving though by the joint cooperation of the local government and international organizations.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Filippo Grandi, who paid visits to refugee camps in Tigray state, has recently expressed the need for more international and national humanitarian aid to deter possible escalation of situations.

Grande also hailed government’s effort to resolve the humanitarian situation in the state as he called for more humanitarian access and relief.

The High Commissioner stated that he received reports of violence against refugees at a time when the camps were caught at cross fires.

The High Commissioner warned that the situation could go dire unless urgent and full interventions are made saying that there is strong appeal from provisional government of Tigray for more international humanitarian aid to help address the needs.

Regarding Ethiopian refugees in Sudan, Grande said that many refugees are willing to return back to their homes and the government needs to give security protection and fulfill other facilities.

The top priorities he said are restoring connection with dispersed refugees, having full access to restricted areas, accelerating the operation of relocation of refugees and bringing civilians to safety and scaling up assistances in the refugee camps.

He also: “I appreciate the government’s commitment to investigate alleged violence against civilians including refugees. We expect an impartial and independent investigation and those responsible be held accountable.”

The fact that the state had significant number of refugees and communities embraced in safety net program have increased the number of people who are in need of humanitarian assistances.”

The complex nature of the state and the damaged infrastructural facilities have made provision humanitarian supplies to refugees tough and stymied efforts to reach out for all the needy. But then, the government has officially publicized that refugees in the state are being supplied while it has called for additional compassions as “many of refugee camp facilities have been either damaged or looted by TPLF clique.

The government however is working to ensure safe and unfettered access for humanitarian assistance. The international and local organizations have started assistances for refuges and most vulnerable residents too. As to Ministry of Peace, some 26 charity and humanitarian organizations are partaking in addressing humanitarian assistances in the state.

United Nations also has confirmed lately that “an agreement with Ethiopian government has been reached to unimpeded, sustained and secure access” while vowing to increased assistances from affected communities including refugees.

Certainly, the government of Ethiopia has not officially restricted supplies to refugees even during the fight; but the situation has made passages to be problematic. By this reason, the government had strongly cautioned organizations not to move if no security assistance.

“I have made discussion with Prime Mnister Dr. Abiy and I also meet Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonen and discussed humanitarian situation in Tigray on how to accelerate the relief operation for many peoples who are in acute need,” he briefed.

The government in its part also vowed for rebuilding of refuge centers has been the existing ones were vandalized by the TPLF militias and guaranteed that the humanitarian issues in the region particularly around refuges to be prior concern.

In the side of government, Demeke Mekonen, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister has told reporters that he had fruitful discussions with the commissioner “about the current situation in Tigray state and refugee status”.

“Perhaps, Ethiopia is one of reputable and responsible country in hosting refugees and in managing internally displaced peoples.” Adding, “We have had a very good discussion concerning the matter,” he said.

Demeke also said that Ethiopian government is “very much committed to address outstanding issues. The focus of the government in this regard is rehabilitating the state and addressing issues to affected communities and refugees simultaneously, he noted.

The government said that some activists and media outlets are pumping false information without any solid evidence about the number of affected communities and the humanitarian response. Currently 2.5 million are in need of aid and it is the actual provision not the politicization of the situation that would make a meaningful difference on the ground.

The Ethiopian Herald  10 February 2021

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