Africa deserves veto right in UNSC

The Security Council of United Nations (UNSC) is the most powerful body with 15 members of states, which out of these; five are permanent while the rest are elected on a fixed term. It primarily aims on maintaining international peace and security, along other responsibilities such as approving of new members of the UN.

The existing five members decided to form the UN in 1945, as winners of the Second World War and assuming the veto power exclusively since the establishment. Despite the relentless efforts to reform the UN body as a whole and Security Council in particular, the UNSC membership has not been able to expand and include new members as it was expected.

Nevertheless, as the pressure increasingly growing, there seems a chance of adding at least two members in the club sooner than later. Right now, India and Japan seems to enjoy the support from most of the members, though India has more chance than Japan, as it is being supported by US, Russia and China where as Japan hasn’t been yet able to win the support of China.

On other hand, Africa with more than 1.2 billion people has no voice or veto powers in the UNSC. Obviously, the most critical reason for such irrationality is neither the reform nor the membership expansion. Should it be approved by all the five or vetoed by a single member for one or the other reason? Hence, it’s hard to say anything regarding the current move until the decision takes place.

It is also worth to note that there are no clear and established criteria for ascending to this position. No better explanations than saying it is a historical incidence that brought the current members to this power. Expectedly, all of them, with no exception, exercise the power endowed to promote effectively their interests and at times their hegemony along with other responsible actions.

It is also good to know that all the five members are representing their respective countries not any of the continents. The situation is similar for those who are lining up to join and have a greater chance. They are applying as a country. Since this is a very powerful position, it may seek the highest level of attitude and discipline in exercising the power assumed.

This implies, the need for having in place a clear political process, behind each of these countries, which is not necessarily be a case with regional institutions that should assert the maximum accountability. In summing up, if Africa, would keep its aspiration, for this prestigious power, it only happens through one of its member country.

That country however, is a country who should first win the confidence and heart of its own people, follow by neighboring countries and then the global community as this is part of the global order. As one of the oldest member country of the UN, since the league of nation, and also a host country for the AU, Ethiopia has every right to aspire similar to all others.

Moreover, the nation has been playing significant roles in establishing sustainable peace and stability for several decades across Africa. Thus, considering Africa’s request in such competitive environment for a permanent seat for the Security Council is a proper and conscious decision; it is likely that Ethiopia would continue playing its commendable roles in keeping Africa’s interest provided that it would be entrusted for the responsibility.

The Ethiopian Herald, February 26/2019

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