Bishoftu Ethiopia’s cozy resort town


We know that every city in Ethiopia has its own story to tell, each playing a different but important part in the history of the country, and the current cultural identity of many Ethiopians.

The incredible historic monuments, natural beauty, the way of life and welcoming local people combine to create unforgettable moments for newcomers. In our edition today, we offer to our esteemed readers to communicate about the cozy resort town of Bishoftu.

We know that urban tourism is a concept which has attracted a great deal of attention throughout the world in recent years. Every year, many cities compete against each other to attract more visitors than the others.

These cities attract a great deal of attention from tourists because of their historical texture and natural beauty they are endowed.

The resort town of Bishoftu is a young town of 70 years of age. It was founded in 1937 in the period of colonization and as an experimental region for agricultural activities.

The town became a resort town because it is known for having a number of crater lakes that are enclosed by steep escarpment giving the lakes panoramic views: Lake Bishoftu, Lake Hora Arsedi (the largest lake of the town), Lake Bishoftu Guda, Lake Kuriftu, Lake Babogaya (located in the outskirt of the town and convenient for many sporting activities), Lake Kilole (also called Green Lake because of the presence of Green algae) and Lake Chelelaka.

Lake Balbala is an artificial or man-made lake situated in the town. These lakes are places where the majority of resort hotels are located and different recreational activities are taking place.

In the old days, Bishoftu was also favored as a weekend destination not only for local and international tourists but also the former majesty; Emperor Haile Selassie was one who had toured the town. Consequently, the majesty built his palace which is named ‘Fairfield’ in the town, after his wartime home in exile in the town of Bath, England. The palace was constructed at the shore of Lake Hora.

The town is also the hub of Ethiopian Air force, according to the document.

Ethiopian Air Force has a history which is tightly woven with the history of Bishoftu. It was established in 1946 following the assigning of Bole Airport to Ethiopian Airlines, the Civil Aviation of the country.

The Air force base is constructed by Swedish Instructors and Ethiopian Cadets.

Bishoftu is known for being the sacred place to celebrate the thanksgiving festival of the Oromo people ‘Irreechaa’, in colorful fashion in attendance of thousands coming nationwide. The festival is one of the great festivals that have been celebrated at Hora Arsede in Bishoftu town.

The town is also well known for its magnificent gardens, beautiful flowers and busy activities of the florists at the entrance to the Bishoftu city is capturing newcomers’ tourists.

The lakes are endowed with magnificent natural beauty and the recent facilities developments round the lakes give impressive scenery and are preferred for recreation.

Of the lakes, the most central is Lake Bishoftu, which lies immediately south of the town Centre, their shores accessible from the crater rim along a steep cattle path.

About 1km to the north, Lake Hora is the largest of the lakes, and arguably the most beautiful, thanks to the limited development on the forested cliffs that enclose it. Boats (with captains) can be rented for 40–60 Birr per excursion, depending on how long you go out for.

Another 1.5km further north, the smaller lakes of Kuriftu and Babogaya used to feel more isolated, though the gradual expansion of the town, and blossoming of new resorts around their shores, has done little to enhance their natural beauty.

Although Bishoftu’s crater lakes, Hora in particular, support a varied avifauna, the most rewarding venue for birders is usually the non-volcanic Lake Chelekleka, which borders the town Centre to the northwest. Shallow and prone to seasonal fluctuation, Chelekleka often hosts impressive aggregations of flamingos, together with a wide variety of resident and migrant waterfowl and shorebirds.

Bishoftu, located in Oromia State, is about 47 km from Addis Ababa to the East. Appreciated for its lakes and resorts with spectacular nature, the city is among the country’s best tourist destinations.

Addis has given it an additional advantage for Addis Ababa residents and expats interested in spending their weekends and special days in Bishoftu.

The Ethiopian Herald January 29/2021

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