The outgoing U.S ambassador’s insight on Ethiopia’s current affairs: optimists of the overall reforms, conscious of the challenges


The outgoing U.S Ambassador Michael A. Raynor, on Monday, has sat on down with a group of journalists in Ethiopia to talk on wide ranges of issues. The ambassador had received various questions and gave his comments back on mostly current affairs of Ethiopia. Here follows excerpt of his reactions:

On Ethiopia’s upcoming election

The outgoing Ambassador has stressed that the upcoming election is a sign that Ethiopia will witness positive change in its democratization effort. According to him, the United States has been deeply inspired by, and the top supporter, of Ethiopia’s efforts over the last three years to establish democratic governance, economic opportunity, and stability in this country.

“What Ethiopia does in the coming months – particularly in promoting democracy; organizing fair and credible elections this year; protecting basic human rights, including freedom of the press and freedom of expression; resolving conflict and addressing ethnic tension; maintaining regional harmony; and promoting economic opportunity – will impact this country’s prospects for generations to come.”

Ethiopia’s progress on democracy and human rights must be sustained – even in the face of serious security challenges – so that this country can realize its full potential.

“We encourage Ethiopia to continue its courageous efforts to introduce and strengthen its political, economic, and security reforms. These are not small tasks, but they are not beyond Ethiopia’s ability to accomplish, particularly if its people, as well as its government, galvanize around them.”

On current the challenges of democracy

Speaking of the current challenges facing Ethiopia, Ambassador Michael A. Raynor said: “While these are times of opportunity and progress for Ethiopia, they are certainly challenging times as well. We remain concerned about ethnic violence around the country, and the threat it poses to achieving the country’s true potential.”

“Like Ethiopia, my own country has wrestled with serious security, health, economic, and social challenges. Like Ethiopia, we wrestle with issues of racial and ethnic tensions; federal versus regional roles and prerogatives; political representation that reflects the diversity of our communities; and equitable access to economic opportunities.”

“Our two countries share the same values, and our two countries sometimes struggle to fully embody our values, and this commonality is one of the reasons why the United States is Ethiopia’s strongest partner and friend.”

No government’s national security imperatives are more compelling than a government’s obligation to safeguard its citizens’ rights and freedoms. And no citizens should pursue their own interests by causing harm to their fellow citizens, or at the expense of their nation’s stability, harmony, integrity, and potential.

Democracy is a compact, an agreement, between a government and its people. If both don’t play their roles fully and responsibly, democracy – and all the rights and opportunities that can only come from democracy – are imperiled.

“We saw this in the United States just two weeks ago, when a group of our citizens lawlessly sought to promote insurrection and violence in the very heart of our nation’s democracy – the U.S. Capitol building. But as the old saying goes, “what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”

These are not easy outcomes to accomplish – indeed, the United States still strives to fully accomplish them after more than 240 years – but they can only be achieved if the government and the people remain steadfastly committed to achieving them.

The United States emerged from that incident with a renewed commitment to valuing and safeguarding our democracy, even as we increase our vigilance against the next threat down the road. Ethiopia, too, can overcome its challenges and emerge stronger by doing so.

On the issue of GERD

Regarding the issue of GERD, the ambassador stated that regional cooperation can only be ensured if the three countries (Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt) come to table for peaceful discussion. The U.S government has a firm stand that mutual understanding among the three countries is the best way to narrow their gaps. In this regard, the U.S will play its role. Since the three countries are the main actors of the issue, they should focus on peaceful solution.

The United States’ interest is for the three parties to get together and reach on agreement. That is all we want to see. “We did not want an agreement that any of the parties feels disadvantageous to them. We are always willing to play whatever role we can play so that the three countries would achieve better outcome. We expect a lot from Ethiopia in this regard. As a country that is focused on regional harmony and stability, much is expected from Ethiopia.

What is more, as a builder of the dam, Ethiopia needs to play a key role in building trust and confidence that will allow an agreement to be reached.

On Tigray State humanitarian assistances

Speaking of the humanitarian aid regarding Tigray state, the outgoing Ambassador stressed the need to avail urgent humanitarian assistances to Tigray. The government and others should show unreserved effort in supporting those affected in the community.

The ambassador said that much more needs to be done – and urgently – to ensure that humanitarian organizations, both Ethiopian and international, have full and secure access to the region to provide life-saving support to the millions of people who are suffering.

The Ethiopian Herald January 27/2021

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