Killing many birds with one stone

The rotatory Ethiopian Cities’ Forum the nation celebrates colorfully year on year could downsize unemployment, ensure common goal, actualize change and bolster the reform drifting across the country.

Recently, the eighth forum staged peacefully in the town of Jigjiga, a city in the Somali Region of Ethiopia, had showcased the inside out of the state with thumbs up performance. In concert, Jigjiga University and the town Administration had briefed participants with the history, tourism potential, economic opportunities, natural wealth and the state’s good fortunes.

They had also hinted on bottlenecks. What do experts in the field and politicians say on the issue? Approached by The Ethiopian Herald pertaining to the Forum on Urban Development and Growth as well, Dr.-Ing Atru Agez said, “The experience sharing forum plays a major role in benefiting the different towns and cities of the country apart from creating job opportunities and unity in the midst of the different Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia.

The different towns of Ethiopia can share experience one another so that the problem of each town will be addressed. He added: “People from every corner of the country are migrating to Addis Ababa in pursuit of better jobs. They want change life style and other related aspects. If the different towns of the country work in unison and become urbanized as they should be, it would be possible to minimize migration and create job opportunities within the shortest time possible.” He went on saying, “One can secure a lot of advantages out of taking part in such Forums, which take place every year in various parts of the country.

As a certain town is measured in terms of one’s town socio-economic situation, one can learn something good out of their success stories.” Abraham Seifu is a civil engineer by profession. Concerning the issue under discussion, he said “In such forum, all should work in unison. What is more, the government should make an effort to bridge gaps conspicuous in the different towns of the country in terms of growth and other societal issues.

Though unemployment is common in various parts of the country, it will be possible to correct the problem by taking swift measures in terms of development. “Likewise, the forum as well plays a pivotal role in creating unity, love and synergy amongst the various Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia. There is no gainsaying the fact that all Ethiopians live under the umbrella of this great nation.

Staging this kind of forum helps one to smooth the progress of towns and cities in addition to creating job opportunities for fellow citizens,” he concluded. It is to be recalled in the message Dr. Abiy Ahmed conveyed pertaining to Urban Development and Growth Froum, he highlighted, “Considering the swift reform, all and sundry should work hand-in-glove with a view to making the various towns of the country hubs of synergy as well as nerve centers of love and unity.

He continued: “In the sense of accretion, we should all endeavor to create a suitable environment for Ethiopians based on the constitutional right of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. This allows citizens to use their rights. When such a day is celebrated, creating cooperation amongst towns lending each other a helping hand and learning from one another are the most important things that we need to take into account.

If we put the aforementioned facts into effect by learning from the failure and success stories of others, we can take the country to the helm of success without a shadow of a doubt. He kept on saying, “The new golden era of reform is serving a lodestar to Ethiopians. Everybody showing bent of becoming part of this historic move. To harvest the fruit of the golden era, we should be diligent in attracting FDI, encouraging domestic investment and saving.

We have to be quick in learning new thing, ready to cooperate and eager to see a change. Mustafa Muhammad, Deputy President of Ethiopia’s Somali for his part said, “ By making stunning reforms, the region is striving to answer questions left unanswered in the all-rounded problem of the state and towns. Hosting this kind of forum in our state plays a major role in making state towns to be part of the solution in the effort being made to solve problems related to towns aside from paving the way for experience sharing.

“We have been carrying out various activities to find out about unemployment problems besetting the state’s towns. Moreover, we offer skill training in addition to ensuring the participation of women and their benefits. We also see to the case of the youth,” he winded up. On the occasion, Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde said, “As the change being manifested in the town of Jigjiga is the result of the change drive residents of the town mounted, they should be very happy.

As staging this kind of Forum helps towns get a better experience, towns should be able to transfer knowledge to others and learn from one another. In this way, by working on common development and growth and creating consensus, towns can cater to the expectation of the country.”

The Ethiopian Herald, February 24/2019


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