‘Junta’s tops arrest is double victory to Tigray people’


ADDIS ABABA – The arrest of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) Junta’s mastermind Sibhat Nega imparts a clear lesson that it is impossible for oppressors to live peacefully as they face justice in the end, said a member of Tigray State Provisional Administration.

In his exclusive interview with the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), higher official of the Tigray Regional State Provisional Administration Lilay Hailemaiam said that the arrest of the Junta’s top Sibhat Nega shows that it is impossible for ‘criminals’ to avoid prosecution.

According to him, from the very beginning, the TPLF is a group of individuals hailing from the same family and the same area (primarily Sibhat Nega and his family). This group had been looting the country’s economy and dominating the politics with a family network.

He said, “The TPLF junta that had been looting Ethiopia’s wealth for the last 27 years has created military tycoons with generals who collect between 600,000 and five million Birr per month renting buildings.”

Diametrically opposite to the Junta’s propaganda, the people of Tigray abhor the Junta due to the atrocity it had brought to the people, he said.

As to him, the TPLF had been saying that the people of Tigray cannot live without the group for a week, but the reality is the otherwise. “Currently, the arresting of junta’s members by federal security forces is making the people of Tigray happier.”

He also indicated that the completion of the federal government’s law enforcement operation in the Tigray regional state and the arresting of the ‘criminals’ brings joy to all Ethiopians, but it is also a double victory for the people of Tigray. “The TPLF junta is a historical enemy of the people of Tigray.”

The TPLF had been undermining the unity of Ethiopians by dividing them along ethnic and linguistic lines, he said, adding that the clique toiled too much to create animosity among the Ethiopian people.

“The law enforcement operation is, above all, an act that liberated Tigray and the whole of Ethiopia.”

As to him, since the beginning of the law enforcement operation, the people of Tigray had repeatedly been showing their supports for the federal government and the national security forces in different ways.

The arrest and destroying of the notorious thugs who had been ravaging Ethiopia and the neighboring countries for the last 50 years has a huge impact for Ethiopia, as well as geopolitical peace of East Africa, he also stated.

The Ethiopian herald January 13/2021

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