The manifestation of education on people and a country


The ultramodern and rapidly growing realization of education is what one should focus on particularly in this era, the time when its need is beyond explanation. Education is a never ending process, embracing adults as well as the young. To the writer education is more than acquiring of basic facts and ideas in one’s childhood and adolescence. It should be noted that the road to better government and public service is through an appropriately conceived system of education.

They believe that nothing is left to personal whim or accident from infancy on. The process of education, both theoretical and practical, continues until the age of fifty. Literature, music, physical and military instruction are the stages of the prolonged program of training the required leader. Perhaps, if not absolutely, lack of such education is what adversely affects the public service these days.

Some political thinkers reserve educational opportunities of prolonged duration and intensity for future governors and administrators, whereas others look on education as a means to the good life that should be available to all. At the same time the question of gentility is among the issues for the creation smooth relationship among. If a man is to be gentle toward his own people who he knows, he must have an instinctive love of wisdom and understanding. Wisdom, many argue, is a natural gift that can be refined by experience and education. As simple as it is, education is a systematic training and instruction. Further it is knowledge and abilities, development of character and mental powers, resulting from such training.

Education, thus, cultivates the mind and the body. A well cultivated mind accumulates experiences that can be well translated into action by a healthy and strong body. If the body and the mind are given proper education, through natural and social sciences and well-designed physical trainings, the learner becomes a well-rounded person capable of handling any positively or negatively inspired circumstantial issues. The definition of well-rounded person is someone who is skilled, capable or knowledgeable in a lot of different things, or something that covers a lot of different areas or subjects. An example of a well-rounded person is someone who is good in school, plays sports and has a good relationship with his family and others as well. He is often caring; much concerned about the wellbeing of people around him. He is also a good communicator, always willing and ready to share and exchange news and ideas with somebody. As an inquirer too, he does not refrain from asking to learn new ideas or to get information about something he thinks he does not know. Having accumulated all these, he becomes knowledgeable. He is the type people enjoy spending much time with since he has a lot to share without causing boredom. One important thing that attracts people to him is his open-mindedness; he does not wish to be listened to all the time, he is ready to listen to arguments, suggestions… A well-rounded person is so principled that he is trusted to shoulder social any responsibility without grumbling and sees to it that his objectives are adequately achieved. Being reflective, he is considerate or thoughtful the needs of others and thus, he is often seen doing his best to assist people financially or kind.

Man’s love of knowledge is rooted in an instinct of curiosity. Education, through the knowledge it imparts, boosts the power of the brain of the learner to know even more. Thus, Curiosity is the dynamo that urges the subject to accumulate as much knowledge as possible through various means such as learning, reading, participating in discussions and debates and the like. There is insatiable desire in the subject for attainment of enlightenment as has always been with such people. He stops at nothing to reach this standard and he does all he can, if possible, to be well conversant with all fields of knowledge throughout his life; education, after all, is a lifelong process. The stream of knowledge is so large that man cannot draw enough from it to dry it up. The more one draws from it, the more it gets replenished. The very fact behind the whole issue is that learning is the key to it all. Therefore, life begins with learning and all of us die learning and yet not before fully satisfied.

The Ethiopian herald january 10/2021

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