Authority urges broadcasting services to adhere to ethical journalism


ADDIS ABABA –The Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority urged broadcasting services to run independent and fair stories as it expressed concern over the political, social and economic ramification that partiality may result in.

There are 18 Commercial (16 of them are functional) and nine public television stations in  the country with 12 commercial, 10 public and 48 community radio stations.

Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority Communication Affairs Director, Gebregeorgis Abraha told The Ethiopian Herald that broadcasting services should play a major role in exercising the basic constitutional rights such as freedom of expression and must practice  ethical journalism.

There is a question of balance, objectivity and credibility largely ascribable to capacity limitations.  Public broadcasting service should enhance public participation and  provide people with good  policy analysis on democracy and good governance  and other aspects of the country, he said.

Media outlets need to operate in line with constitution and the other laws of the country based on fair and just treatments of people, he added.

Commercial broadcasting services should provide equal treatments of people and entertain diverse views regardless of various denominations, according to him.

However, most of the flaws witnessed in the media spectra are relating to capacity limitations to which the Authority has been trying to offer capacity-building supports.

Afework Gebregziabher lecturer at Mekelle University Department of Journalism and Communication explained that the rise on satellite television stations is a good progress.

“Media should be established to serve as an alternative source of information, not for alienation.”

Currently, few broadcasting media appears to be the mouse piece of parties and/or individuals, he said. “This may harm the social, economic and political activities of Ethiopians. So, all stakeholders need to make consorted efforts to improve the trend,” he reiterated.

The Ethiopian Broadcast Authority must regulate and monitor these media properly. The journalism schools and scholars also have a role to play in producing professional journalists,  he said.

The Ethiopian Herald February 22/2019


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