Federal Police Commission undertaking reforms

  • To form Air Force

ADDIS ABABA – The Federal Police Commission disclosed that it has been carrying out various reforms on five major areas including the establishment of Federal Police Air Force and paramilitary force.

New proclamation is on pipeline to decide on what kinds of weaponry that the federal police, regional police, Para-military and peoples militia would be entitled to carry, said  Commissioner General Endeshaw Tassew.

He told journalist that according to the new the reform the Federal Police Force will be reorganized into four commands in four clusters. The clusters will be at northern, southern, western, eastern and central parts of the country, ” he indicated.

The reform includes the development of human power, organizational structure, technological advancement, logistical capability and other aspects of the Commission.

National inspection manual is also being prepared and come to effect in a month.

The Ethiopian Herald February 22/2019



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