Floating together

Roughly, Ethiopia and Eritrea were robbed of their twenty years. This is not to paint their separate progresses in dark ink. But their possible cooperation and opportunity of floating together was barred for decades, with the reigning of mutual hostility.

Hence, Ethio-Eritrean boundaries were hallmark of tensions and high-level militarization.

The senseless war broke out between the two countries or to give it better flavor between sisters and brothers living in two countries claimed the lives of tens of thousands of productive citizens. Both sides indulged in harming one another in every affairs of life.

‘Time heals all the wounds’ as the saying goes, each other’s endeavors has changed for the better.

In an unprecedented unfolding of history, the two sisterly countries have renewed their relations and the spirit of peace and prosperity supersedes the previous atmosphere of doom saying.

Ethiopian team of health professionals recently headed to Asmara to contribute their shares by offering voluntary healthcare services. The ammunitions both sides piled up in their respective trenches will no longer be used for injuring and killing own brothers and sisters. Rather available resources are now shared among one another in the endeavor of creating productive citizens.

That crack once brought risk of drowning together. The administration let by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed mended in a good way, and even wowing the world.

On July 8, 2018 in Asmara, Eritrea’s President Isaias Afewerki and Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed vowed to consolidate the gains and to take their relations to the next level. The team of doctors’ aim is not different from this.

Agreements have been entered by both sides to end the decades’ old hostility including one in Jeddah on 16 September 2017. The people-to-people ties which have been taking place in a remarkable pace surely strengthen the two sisterly countries’ cooperation in all fronts.

During the visit of President Isaias Afewerki at Bahir Dar, health professionals gave their words to visit the historic town of Asmara.

Promise translated to reality

And 35 general physicians,four specialists, among others make their way to Eritrea for a two-month voluntary services, Ministry of Health and the government of Eritrea covered the required finance. In its stay, the team will avail itself of the opportunity to patients in seven hospitals.

“Our supports can have significant impact in the healthcare system of Eritrea. I observed that the service is better in Asmara, but the rural areas need more involvement. I’m confident that our team can contribute its share properly,” said Prof. Yeshigeta Gelaw ,Bahir Dar University College of Medicine and Health Sciences Tibebe Ghion Specialized Hospital Chief Executive Director and Vice President.

He also unveiled Eritrean physicians’ desire of furthering their medical education in Ethiopian colleges, he noted, adding a team comprising members from Bahir Dar University, Ministry of Health, and directors from colleges are looking into the matter. “We’ll be coming up with good decision soon.”

The story does not end there, in two or three weeks’ time, two radiologists will fly to Asmara to train Eritrean health professionals on radiology.

The people of the two countries have unique and historic relations. They have similarities in blood, history,culture and the likes. Yet, they have one more similarity shared aspiration of prosperity. A rope that can firmly ties their future relations.

The Ethiopian Herald February 22/2019


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