Keep walking; your coffee is cold scared


When we accomplish something worth to celebrate, some terrible reality could sneak around to ruin the joy. In such situations, those who choose to remain calm and optimistic may not suffer that much for they have the blessing to accept the inevitable and try to look on the bright side. To what extent our optimistic values could help us handle the problems that we didn’t even cause but only suffer from? I and my friend Duni were walking as usual but on the empty street of Meskel Square on the day Addis Ababa observed no traffic day recently. Some football players and skateboarders were on the street doing their things. It was the third no traffic day that the City observed in order to promote the idea of a healthy lifestyle and showing concern on climate change.

Suddenly my friend started talking. “I do not like to judge the people who can see a bright side in the time of crisis. And there is not even a point on being judgmental about people’s way of handling their own free will under any circumstance. But what bright side there could be when your best moments are ruined in all of a sudden?” “What are you talking about?” “I am talking about how much our Nation changed in the past ten months but we couldn’t afford to enjoy it” “Why is that? Did somebody ask you to pay for your joy while you are walking on the streets!” “No, but Mother Nature is making us pay for the air pollution!” “Oh about that” I couldn’t say much. But Duni continued “You know what? The environment is changing so fast and we are still promoting being vegetarian as a healthy lifestyle!” “It is a healthy lifestyle.” I do not know what he is up to, but some weird idea is in his head, I am sure of that! “Okay here is the point. Leave alone industrial pollution, but the environment is messed up because the earth is losing most of its plants. How do you eat plants and talk about climate change?” “If we don’t eat, all of us would be starved!” “I did not say we don’t have to eat. I am just saying that it is better if we all eat meat and cereal. That’s a healthy and strong lifestyle.”  I know Dunis affection for meat is more than words can explain. If this is the eighteenth century and Duni is the king, his love for meat would make everyone carnivorous. And now I have to hear him giving reasons how always eating meat is a healthy lifestyle. “Do you know how humans’ brain activity transformed and the early man started making tools?” Oh oh…w another weird story …I have to say “No”.

Then Duni quickly said “It is meat. When early man was gathering fruits, he hadn’t made tools. He was just gathering fruits that dropped from the bird’s mouth. When he started eating meat when the lions left (the leftover), invention started to fill his brain. Then he made weapons and started hunting. The more meat early men ate, the more they became civilized. That’s why I’m suggesting that people have to eat more beef.” I was almost convinced but no, I have seen people suffering from blood pressure and diabetes and most of them are suffering because of their unbalanced diets and even worse because of too much beef. I told him this and he didn’t agree. We dropped the issue of beef and started talking about the best solutions to address climate change. Suddenly Duni came about with the best idea of the year. He said “You know forestation is not something you do on part times during the kiremet (Ethiopia’s rainy season). If you care about the environment it needs full commitment. And I hope Prime Minister Dr. Abiy will launch a new National Forestation Mega Project. Greening this country is the most commendable task to do – budget from the public and technology from partners from around the world. It needs labor; our stipulation is more than good enough. You see the issue of climate change is a mutual problem. “Yesterday, I was sitting in one of “Yejebena” coffee houses to have a cup of coffee. It was on midday. But the moment my coffee was on the table.

I saw waves. Have you ever seen waves on your coffee?” I said “no,” then Duni continued “But I saw waves on my coffee that day and I said this coffee is cold scared and it’s shaking. That is because I recently heard on the radio that the climate change effect has brought new diseases that affect natural coffee forest. That means our green gold is in trouble. And we need to do something before it’s too late. That is why I am suggesting the National Forestation Mega Project.” Even though most of his story wasn’t true, I have to agree with Dunis’ new idea. The meat and cereal idea…will never be an option.


The Ethiopian Herald February 21/2019


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