Saddened by the past, Tigray Diasporas optimist on rosy future


As the law enforcement operation in Tigray State came to an end successfully, people from every corners of the country have started breathing a sigh of relief since. And, a rosy future is awaiting the people of Tigray who had been sustaining excruciating pain due to the iron-fisted rule of the TPLF kleptocrat.

Ironically, the clique had been acting as the sole guardian of the Tigray people even when the people grew increasingly resentful towards the clique. And, the ongoing reform major being carried out in the state is already earning acclamation and sending ray of hope to the people of Tigray.

“The new chapter with fresh hope opened in our country is made real via the combined effort of all Ethiopians residing at home and abroad. Yes, the relentless effort the general public in the country has exerted and the life sacrificed to get the oppression, sullen, coercion, among others, sources we have been sipping for the last three decades dried forever has been bearing fruits and all Tigraways in particular and the entire population of the nation is now taking a peaceful sigh of relief,” said Tigray Diaspora residing in Europe, Canada and United States of America.

Presenting a five point resolution, the Tigray Diaspora community members expressed their readiness to cooperate with the government in all aspects to further consolidate the reform commenced two and half years ago and fight the treason and wrong deed the TPLF junta did with a view to quenching selfish interest at the expense of all Ethiopians peace and freedom.

Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) led government has made all conditions conducive to help cliques at all levels beneficiaries out of the scarce wealth of the nation. As of the time it was pushed to a confined corner and unexpected corridor notwithstanding public pressure, the front has dramatically turned out to be a mafia group and has been computed calculations how to destabilize Ethiopia—the mother of all.

It is crystal clear that Dr. Abiy’s administration has travelled a long journey to get the tension created between the Tigray state and the federal government loosened. However, the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) junta members and their cliques at all levels have turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the all-encompassing effort of the nation as a whole with a view to come up with consensus and living in a harmonious way under the same umbrella—Ethiopia.

They have, at scorching sun, poured cold water to the peaceful reconciliation, the elderly mediation, the gentle calling for dialogue and all other possible means for the sake of peace, tranqulity and democracy. That gave them hard time at the end of the day and fostered their funeral bazaar, and ended up with an irreversible defeat.

Obviously, the political dynamics in Ethiopia has shifted from monopolizing everything under the Ethiopian sky to encompassing all concerned via creating a participatory spectrum since 2018 after the reform. However, anti-government and anti-reform movements have been witnessed at every corner of the nation. A range of protests have also been triggered over uneven wealth allocation, horizontal inequality in economic, political and social affairs among ethnic groups, among others, across the nation.

The all-encompassing political circumstance of the current administration has created wider spaces and invited contestant political parties and those who were severely pushed to overseas to come home and peacefully fight for unity, democracy and freedom.

However, the dissension and violence among some members of the society instigated by the Tigray People Liberation front (TPLF) Junta members, which have predominantly led to escalating political tension, economic and security crises in Ethiopia, have had a huge negative repercussion upon the effort geared towards growth and change in the nation.

The peace and tranquility in the country would have been prettily jeopardized had the roots of the problem got dried for good, and the culprits appeared before law though there are some being hunted.

From the very beginning, the junta members were swelled by chauvinistic stance and had further considered the patience the Prime Minister, the government in general, has shown to resolve tensions in a peaceful way through dialogue and round table discussion as it is inferior to them and systematically pleading them. Even they travelled to the distance that the government has developed fear of them, and ended up attacking the indomitable Ethiopian lions, members of the defense force.

“It is easy to cite what they didn’t do against humanity instead of listing down the wrong deeds they have been undertaken since their inception. As they have been plundering the properties and all assets of the country in general and that of the Tigray state in particular, they left fellow citizens empty-handed as all have been under the operation yoke of their barbaric and merciless actions,” mentioned the Diaspora members.

They junta members have never had concern to the people of Ethiopia except running towards amassing undeserved profits at the expense of their beloved compatriots. Nothing makes them happier than turning the lives of all Ethiopians, who have been living in every corner of the country, into a living hell.

As the case of a multitude of diaspora members from various nations, nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia residing in Far East, Middle East and Gulf nations and others, diaspora from the Tigray state living in America, Canada and Europe have expressed their stance to support the law enforcement operation the federal government has been taking since November 4, 2020 and seriously condemned the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) junta atrocious deed against Ethiopia and Ethiopians.

According to them, apart from being an act of treason and anti-constitutional, the shameful action the TPLF junta took against the Northern Defense base, the wrong deed has dwindled the prestige, historical richness and dignity of the Tigray people. Hence, not only do we wholeheartedly support the measure taken but we are also always ready to stand by our national defense force until junta remnants will be done away with for good. We would also like to admire the bravery step of our military to bury the junta within the shortest time possible.

“Surprisingly, the entire budget which should have been deployed to foster the social, economic and other related developments in the region has long been pumped to digging strongholds at different woredas of the regional state.”

They also said that TPLF has been good for nothing for Tigraways and it has used their blood, labor and wealth to hit three major group targets: first, the junta group exhaustively used Tigray youth as a ladder and a stepping stone for trekking from Dedebit to Addis Ababa and left them as they are when seized the crown at Arat Kilo palace; second, some ten thousands of Tigray youth had been Sahil desert morsels as the junta preached them as Eritreans are their historic enemies; third, the junta has plundered almost all Ethiopian wealth at the name of Tigray people.

Surprisingly, they said, at the time of almost half of Tigraways are short of income and depend on aid, they youth are highly susceptible to migration and unemployment, citizens are suffering from lack of drinking water let alone food for survival, the junta has spent years digging strongholds.

According to their statement, the over seven bloody wars broke out in Tigray state since the inception of TPLF have fundamentally emanated from the stubborn and decayed thinning of Revolutionary Democracy. The junta, who has never had a sense of democracy in mind, has been trading and bargaining in the name of this equitable ideology—democracy.

“How can the group which has never had a liberation and democracy know how liberate people apart from fattening personal and cluster gain?” they stated in their resolution.

As to them, how could a party that fails to administer itself invite a multiparty system? The confrontation it developed with the federal government did purely stem from ignorance, chauvinism, arrogance, immoral nature and self-centeredness.

“With all the aforesaid and unmentioned reasons, we dare prettily say that the law enforcement operation took place in Tigray is a fair and legitimate one. We are short of words to express the unexpected things the junta did within the last three years let alone over the last 40 years.”

“We, as Tiray Diaspora, have well understood that the shining victory registered over the TPLF junta is the cumulative effect of all patriot Ethiopians, the true daughters and sons of Ethiopia and by far the diligent and flag-waver defense force.”

They underscored that Ethiopians particularly the people of the state have now seized the ladder of success and paved the way to the next level of progress. What is left now is utmost effort needs to be exerted in a cooperative manner to cleanse the remnants of the junta members to provide the country with the base built at an unwavering foundation.

They further said in their resolution that the junta members have to well understand the golden saying, “A person without a country is equal to a wingless crow,” and they have to be regret and teach their children and grandchildren about the significance of a nation and its unity instead of propagating destructive idea and misinformation carrying the fascist gush to prolong their time of colonization.

“By and by, Ethiopia has been driving a wheel at the right track. It is high time to push this great nation steps forward, war is enough, hostility is enough, and confrontation with one another singling out minor gaps is enough.

We have been exercising such destructive and useless attempts for a long period of time. Citizens of foreign countries can come to Ethiopia in search of job opportunities in place of our fellow compatriots if we move in unison and get our country prospered,” they said.

“May peace be upon our beloved nation! Long live Ethiopia!” they underscored.

The Ethiopian herald December 31/2020

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