Harnessing Entoto’s tourism potential

The sunrise that peak into the historical beauty of Addis Ababa that mount Entoto offers plus the panoramic view of Addis Ababa, create a fascinating feeling which makes beholders to cherish the city with its gift of nature, culture, history and architecture. Surprisingly, however, though this natural blessing and vantage point of sight seeing is a ride away, city residents have not nurtured the habit of hiking, and observing sunrises and sunsets. ‘You too, my students how often do you wake up early and observe nature at its best in the morning? Not only that, do you have an experience of viewing a magnificent sunset while the sun goes down? If your answer is ‘No! I strongly advice everyone of you from now onward to develop the habit of observing such must-sees.’

The aforementioned saying is directly quoted from the speech of Addis Ababa University School of Journalism and Communication Camera and Editing Instructor Feyissa Mitiku who taught this writer.

He said that a mesmerizing feeling overwhelm one while observing the elevated topography of Ethiopia’s highlands.

Apart from this, Ethiopia’s proximity to the equator has allowed her to entertain a variety of climatic conditions. The country’s meandering mountains are conducive to a refreshing trekking. The age-old and culturally inherited forefathers’ traditions of cordiality, unity, cooperation and thoughtfulness are the other key manifestations of Ethiopians.

Surrounded by a variety of plant species the area is stunning and home to mysterious ancient happenings shrouded in mystery like the ruins of Atse Dawit palace, Emperor Menellik II palace and other ancient churches.

Being the home of victorious, patriotic and peaceful coexisting citizens it makes one recall Ethiopia’s world wonders registered by UNESCO and other national heritages of the country.

As enriched by unique standouts, the country is expected to strive more regarding generating additional income from the smokeless industry. The nation has also built a good fame in ensuring peace and stability in the region and beyond. This typical feature when wedded with the broad-array of interesting nation& nationalities’ history, it renders the country to be a primary destination of tourists worldwide. The country can promote the development and vibrancy of the nation’s hospitality industry by undertaking effective measures of tourism development.

In addition to this, the infrastructural development, afoot in the country in a sustained manner, is key for augmenting tourists influx. Regarding this, Ethiopia is undertaking enormous activities. Currently, the nation is also doing its level best regarding motivating hotel investors to render standardized services.

Currently, the Addis Ababa City Culture and Tourism Bureau had disclosed that it is striving to execute the Entoto and Surrounding Tourist Destination Development Project. The touristic spot is said to land on a 114 hectares of land. It is estimated to consume five billion Birr.

The Entoto and Surrounding Tourist Destination Development Project is a vast one which includes an integrated touristic services. Project’s core activities to be undertaken are the construction of ample cultural centre, museums, over 55 lodges, athletics training center, small facilities hotels as well as a green parks and tourist information centers.

Thus, after the accomplishment of the project the Entoto Mountain will be a potential destination to attract more tourists’ inflow.

The Ethiopian Herald February 20/2019


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