Promising step towards boosting agricultural productivity


It is no secret that most Ethiopian farmers fully count upon rain-fed agriculture now and then given that the county has been bringing into play a traditional agricultural system since time immemorial. Sad as it may sound, on the grounds of this, most farmers of the country have been living on the breadline.

Despite the fact that scores of techniques have been put in place with the purpose of changing the lives of farmers by focal persons and pertinent bodies, the desired goal has not been achieved yet.

As a matter of fact, the envisioned objective could not be accomplished on the basis of the traditional farming system that does not help farmers ensure food security all over the country and pull themselves out of poverty.

Strictly speaking, to this point, an extensive range of endeavor has been brought into being in pursuance of getting to the bottom of the problem at the earliest time possible. As the government of Ethiopia has been placing much emphasis on the sector, quite a lot of fruitful results have been registered to signal the fact that the county is heading along the right lines.

In a similar manner, some individuals have been unceasingly leaning backward to contribute their share for ensuring food security on a national scale. Furthermore, they have been making a big effort with the intention of creating windows of opportunities that can take the country to a whole new level of a favorable outcome in ensuring food security.

Just to mention one, this writer would like to say a few things about Talegeta Leul, re-specialist researcher and principal scientist who has been giving his all into changing the lives of farmers and guaranteeing food security across the country. Besides, he has a long experience in new and self-motivated re-biology science and re-biogenetic engineering practices.

In the same manner, he has been conducting research providing a focus on soil development, land science, water, and all that kind of crap.

As doing agricultural research proved to be Talegeta’s calling, he embarked on having a shot at demand-driven agricultural research in furtherance of turning his vision into reality. Once in a great while, he comes up with new innovations that can transform the lives of farmers such as organic fertilizers, rainwater harvesting devices, and things of that sort.

Of late, Laureate Talegeta Leul had a short stay with The Ethiopian Herald with a view to bringing his newly produced innovative fertilizer into the light with the general public.

In the present climate, the whole lot regarding the newly made fertilizers is making progress in the right direction.

 Though Ethiopian farmers work hard around the clock by the sweat of their brow, they could not pull themselves out of poverty as a consequence of the traditional farming system and other unforeseen circumstances. They are still living with a minimum of sustenance. Most of them are still above the dead and below the living.

Frankly speaking, the newly invented organic fertilizers will open the door for food security throughout the territory and make farmers’ lives simpler and trouble-free.

Talegeta Leul said, “The newly innovated fertilizers have been passing through quite a lot of steps that can transform the lives of farmers. As we are hitting the ground, our efforts have been bearing fruits. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, we have made some fertilizers that could metamorphose the lives of farmers. It is no hyperbole to say that we are on the right track.”

In the same spirit, we have practically seen the effectiveness of the newly produced fertilizers in the new demonstration site located on the premise of the Addis Ababa Science & Technology University. The fertilizers play a major role in giving additional value to crops.

On a side note, our fertilizers are made up of organic and multifarious types of minerals. They are a combination of these two. The previous ones are totally made up of synthetics. They are as different as cheese and chalk. The new ones increase the production of crops by two-fold.

He went on to say, “The fertilizers are produced making use of available resources in the country. We do not import from other countries. They speed up the growth of crops at the earliest possible time.

The difference is very visible and incomparable. Utilizing the fertilizers help every household grow into self-supporting on account of the unremitting produce.

 As directors of the Ministry’s Soil Fertility under the umbrella of the Ministry of Agriculture and other concerned bodies managed to figure out the benefit the country secure out of the newly produced fertilizers, they are attaching importance to the discovery. They have practically confirmed the effectiveness of the fertilizers by themselves.

As pertinent bodies know the effectiveness of the result like the palm of their hands, they would like to have a discussion with different regional administrators in relation to the newly developed fertilizers.

The fertilizers are composed of more than a few mineral ingredients that can yield good results at the earliest opportunity. Apart from playing a major role in giving a lot of advantages for leaves, stems, roots, seeds, cells, stalks, flowers, and other related aspects, the fertilizers can boost the number of tillers in the crops and have no harm to the soil.

In the same way, the fertilizers do not contaminate nature seeing that they are free from vulnerabilities of nitric acid. Above and beyond, the manure is instrumental in boosting the enactment of microorganisms, bacteria as well as fungus to effervesce the soil.

The Ethiopian Herald December 25/2020

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