Ethiopia makes biggest democratic gains: House of Freedom

ADDIS ABABA – The USA House of Freedom reported that Ethiopia under the leadership of the reformist Abiy Ahmed undertook the biggest democratic gains, in 2018.

According to the report of the House, Ethiopia has been undertaking a great reform since April 2018 and this reform is reflected by amending electoral, anti-terrorism and media law.

As to the report, the releasing of hundreds of political prisoners and the launching of discussion with opposing political parties in a peaceful way on public and political issues is a new chapter in nation’s history.

The report underscored that the environment for the media improved significantly after the reform and there were no journalists in Ethiopia imprisoned for the first time since 2004.

The report explained that the lifting of bans against prominent media like Ethiopia Satelitte Television (ESAT) and Oromia Media Network (OMN) shows to what extend the current Ethiopian government is ready to create independent media in the country.

Chala Faji, Deparment Head of Political Science and Diplomatic Relations in Dire Dawa University on his part said that the measures taken by the reformist to encourage opposing political parties to participate on public issue and even appointing some of them as a board member of anchor government institutions shows government’s committment in this regard.

He appreciated the work of the Premier for appointing the Head of Oromo Federalist Congress Professor Merera Gudina as a board member of Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation and leader of Arbagnoch Ginbot 7 Professor Berhanu Nega as a Board Member of Addis Ababa University recalling that before the reform these politicians being labeled as terrorist and leaders of terrorist groups.

He underscored that before the reform, such politicians were prohibited to conduct various acts and they were considered as anti-peace elements.

He noted that the democratic way of ruling launched during this reform at the top level administration should reach at the lower level and institutionalized in all institutions.

Leader of the reform, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (Dr) on himself said that: “I need to administer the country only if I win the election by undertaking fair and free election. And to this end, we will undertake electronic based election.”

The Ethiopian Herald February 20/2019



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