Reconciliation Commission, if to meet its target

Ethiopia has in the past recent times, established a national reconciliation commission. It is also recalled that it has named the members of the Commission. And various comments have, since then, been given on the issue.

In this regard, The Ethiopian Herald has approached politicians, members of the commission and scholars to come up with their recommendations on what should and should not be done if the commission is to meet its intended target.

Professor Beyene Petros, Chairperson of the Ethiopian Social Democratic Party says that though he did not yet see the details in relation to what extent it would go back as a reference and its main focus areas at the grass root level, it is a good start.

According to him, many nations which had been in such a condition had resolved their problems by undertaking a serious national reconciliation. “But, its procedures are not yet well identified as far as I know. In my entire life, this is for the first time that Ethiopia is entering into such broad and ambitious undertakings,” Beyene says.

Professor Beyene, also Deputy Chairperson of the Ethiopian Federal Democratic Unity Forum (Medrek) and member of the National Reconciliation Commission believes that the process should consider all concerned parties at the center stage, if it really has to meet its target. For instance, if there is any party with complains of being hurt due to various factors, it should be heard lest it results in a mistrust of the Commission lastly.

Besides, there should be a good will from all parties for it would be otherwise, difficult for the Commission to assess things in detail, he says. In this regard, the independence of the Commission, as per him, should also be trusted. “I have no detailed ideas on the requirements the PM used to incorporate representatives from all bodies. However, I think that the Commission is representative, as the PM has assistants for various issues. Of course, we have been given chances to see the list more than twice thereby commented on who should and should not be included in it,” he reiterates.

Nevertheless, any party who opposes the inclusion of Mr X or Y should seriously campaign in advance with concrete evidence, the Chairperson recommends, adding, “I think the system also allows such procedures for there is no perfection,” he notes.

Engineer Yilikal Getnet, Chairperson, Ethiopian National Movement Party, for his party says that a national reconciliation and consensus is a very sensitive issue that needs a special caution in handling.

It is a very subjective case that deals with emotional issues. In other words, it needs the inclusion of the key values which can ensure love, peace and trust throughout the process, he signifies.

“Those who take part in the process and the requirements that the process would embrace need a serious caution beyond rhetoric. They have to do with ensuring mutuality, fraternity, mutual consensus, historical and emotional representations and the like,” the Engineer accentuates.

The process, from this point of view, according to him, can simply be messed up and result in a negative impacts even on future endeavors unless handled in such a way, he opines.

Yilikal, in the meantime, emphasizes that individuals appointed to implement the reconciliation should be at least of high personality, successful in the field they are engaged, not believed to have any connection with the complicated politics of the nation so far and with no special interest to meet via this process.

“But, what I am, now, personally observing is the reverse that individuals who have been part of the division with their own political narration are included in the Reconciliation Commission. Hence, what the intention and problem solving method of the initiative is not clear for me,” Yilikal says.

Individuals who are to reconcile should own better moral values beyond the problem they are to deal with and the parties they are to reconcile, the Chairperson remarks. As said by him, the members of the Commission should be individuals whom people can listen to whenever they decide, advice and even be angry at them, the Chairperson pointes out.

Mekonnen Feseha, Lecturer, at Mekelle University, Law Department, on the other hand doubts the importance of national reconciliation for there is no enmity between societies. As for him, it is political reconciliation which is needed in the contemporary Ethiopia, if not, it should be national consensus, he restates.

Anyways, if it is believed what Ethiopia currently needs is national reconciliation, first and for most, the issue to be reconciled should be clearly identified, he adds. In other words, they should sort out the factors creating dispute among the communities and lead them to hold grudges in their minds thereby decide whether the cases should be handled via law, debate or negotiation.

On the second hand, members of the Commission, as said by him, should be independent with no special interest on the process and equally elected by all the parties to be reconciled. If all these issues are fulfilled, it can meet the intended target as such cases have been, previously tried in Africa, he restates. “Any action away from that, can, on the other hand, aggravate the situation and result in crisis, he reflects his concern.

In a nut shell, all the interviewees underscore on the importance of members being independent and representative enough to all parties to be reconciled.

The Ethiopian Herald February 20/2019


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