Nation marks 82nd Martyrs’ Day

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopia yesterday commemorated the 82nd Martyrs’ Day – a day on which thousands of Ethiopians massacred by fascist Italian troops – by laying wreath at the Yekatit 12 Monument to honor the Martyrs.

Representatives of Addis Ababa City Administration and the Ethiopian Patriots’ Association were present on the occasion.

Lieutenant Abdissa Biru from Patriots Association said that martyrs would always be remembered and praised for sacrificing their lives to safeguard the sovereignty of the country irrespective of their differences. “And, we learn from those martyrs that unity is the only alternative to build strong nation,” he stressed.

Bemnet Teshome, a participant on the event, on his part told The Ethiopian Herald that this generation should be thankful to the Martyrs and give due respect for them as they gave their lives to save the country.

Mekonen Mengesha, Lecturer at Wolkitie University, also remarked the power of Ethiopians’ patriotic feeling and sense of nationalism during the time. These elements had obliged them to give their lives. Thus, the then history of Ethiopians teaches us how patriots stood as one without differences, he said.

The Martyrs’ Day is marked every year, Yekatit 12 in the Ethiopian calendar, to remember the 30,000 Ethiopians were massacred by Fascist Italian troops within three days.

The massacre was committed as a reprisal following patriots Abraha Deboch and Moges Asgedom attempt to kill Viceroy Rodolfo Graziani by throwing hand grenades, as documents indicate.

The Ethiopian Herald February 20/2019



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