This is an important moment recommends us to turn our nose up to stabilize our society and backup democracy in our country. Our struggle for new lives is with new approach using the tools of democracy not bullets so that the spirit of unity and Ethiopianism pull up our ideas and act to deserve our desire. The future seems very hopeful. Therefore no more a storm of tears from the corrupted system and leadership crisis would be born. Our good intention and many hands will make light work too. Here by professional intellectuals, governmental institutions, civic organizations and all the recognized circles/ parties should play their part to disseminate the basic ideas of politics, civic Education, and the principles of democracy. To my mind, this is a primary and a timely approach to reshape our out of date mind.
We were in hot water for several years because of the system and the thick headed managing leaders at various levels; and there were so many ways to build our society phase by phase. Of course, it is the joint responsibility of all institutions and the beneficiaries for spreading the concepts and the principles of human rights and democratic rights. In the history of philosophy, every individual is embodied in the society and learn each other expressing ideas within the family as well as in the society. In this regard, the idea of democracy is born with.
According to the definition of politics, education and philosophy, activities linked with relations between external and internal social groups centered on the seizure, retention and use of state power is called politics. On the other hand, democracy is a form of power recognizes the freedom and equality of citizens. Democracy encourages citizens irrespective of nationality, race, color, sex, etc. and help citizens enjoy equal rights in political, economic and cultural affairs. However, its application varies depends on the entire political system of the respective country. The basic difference lies between capitalist and socialist democracy. It is essential to strengthen our commitment to debate for democracy, because it is a problem solving tool or mechanism. All challenges are solely addressed through open discourse and debate between political parties on how to grow democratic approach.
If democratic elements are truly in our heart, democratic culture must be a central concern of our institutions. To this point, a well-founded political scientist Thomas E. Patterson, “we the people” stresses that if democracy is truly to be a government of and for the people, then the public opinions must be our central theme in the system. Democracy fights against evil spirit and punish evildoers by and by because democracy is as honest as a mirror. Similarly, conflicts never help to solve differences but only democratic solutions and soft tone to diplomacy win hard hearts and impoverished minds.
It is only through active citizens participation democracy can flourish. At least we can create our citizens with encouragement develop their concepts, skills and attitudes of democracy (citizenship, rights and duties, civic, morality, Ethics, discipline, election, vote etc.) through well organized and democratic institutions. Otherwise, idea without democratic education is as dull as ditch water. Attention to every idea and movement is crucial, because a small thing can spoil the enjoyment of the society just like a fly in the ointment.
Time is flying so be ready to make democratic movement to build democrat generation who can generate new ideas and survive in the competitive world. Furthermore, Ethiopia needs the guarantee of youth for its overall development.
To sum up, we are on the eve of a new system for better future. Therefore, let’s continue keeping our fingers crossed to win any challenge and build a strong and a prosperous Ethiopia in Africa. Surely, democratic approach puts the authoritarian framework and red tapes out of the way.
The Ethiopian herald December 17/2020