Rekindling Ethio-Eritrea cultural relations

After twenty years hostility, Ethiopia and Eritrea have renewed their relationship and proven to the world that they are well capable of solving their problems without the interference of any external power.

On several occasions, various leaders, international organizations and others have been extending their profound gratitude to both countries’ leaders for taking bold and courageous actions in breaking a two-decade deadlock and reuniting families that used to live separately for many years due to the senseless border war between 1998- 2000.

Without exaggeration, Ethiopia and Eritrea have set good example for fellow African brothers and sisters via showcasing the real practice of African solutions to African problems for the first time in the recent history of the continent.

Moreover, both countries’ leaders received Saudi and United Arab Emirate’s highest civilian honor awards for they have enabled to blow the wind of hope in the Horn of Africa which until recently used to be described as the most volatile and turbulent region in the world.

Ever since the declaration of the ending of the state of war between the two countries, borders have been opened to the public ,air flights have been resumed, preparations have been undertaking to use Eritrea’s ports of Assab and Massawa and the like.

Now the right time has come for cultural exchange, since last Saturday, Eritrean Public Diplomacy Delegation has been touring and staging traditional and modern music shows in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Musicians and cultural troupe will also be offed to Eritrea in the next month to feature similar art performance across Eritrea.

The Eritrean Public Diplomacy Delegation comprises prominent musicians and vocalists like Dr. Bereket Mengisteab ‘The God father of Eritrea Guayla Music’, Eng. Asgedm Woldemicael , the singer of Saba Sabina song that was rated ‘top’ during 1960s in Ethiopia and Eritrea, living legend Tesfay Mehari – Fihira ,the king of Eritrean revolutionary music Wedi Tkul and others.

In early 1970s, Dr. Bereket Mengisteab together with Dr. Tilahun Gessesse received prestigious prizes from Philips recording company for their best selling music singles.

Plus, Sibrit, Eritrean national cultural troupe that has received worldwide appreciation and recognition, is expected to rock the Millennium Hall on February 21,2019.

Upon arriving at Bole International Airport, Eritrean cultural troupe coordinator Micael Teferi told local journalists that they are here to celebrate the peace and friendship agreement signed and to develop cultural relations between the two countries. He also said that similar programs would be organized in the future.

As to him , the tour would cover the cities of Bahir-Dar, Adama, Hawassa, and Addis Ababa.

Having accorded a warm welcome to the Eritrean cultural delegation, Ethiopia’s famous vocalist and song writer Neway Debebe said that both countries’ artists have big responsibilities in terms of rekindling the Ethio-Eritrea cultural and linguistic ties.

“ I am so thrilled to meet legendary singer Bereket Mengisteab in person. I used to watch and listen his songs when I was a kid on TV while he was singing and playing Kirar at the stage of National Theater.”

Singing one of Neway Debebe’s popular songs, Eritrean young singer Minas Belay said he has been the fan of Neway Debebe since his childhood and happy to be with him for the first time in his life..

At the welcoming event, Addis Ababa Cultural and Tourism Bureau Head, Associate Professor Nebyu Baye said Eritrean musicians and singers are the most talented ones and such a series of cultural shows would further strengthen the people to people ties apart from enjoying cultural exchange programs.

Many people have been anxiously waiting to this Grand Musical Concert to celebrate the peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea after the announcement made on mainstream media . That is why there was a massive turnout to watch the shows at Bahir-Dar and Adama towns during the weekend.

In his opening remark at Amhara National State Convention Center in Bahir Dar, Eritrea’s Ambassador to the African Union Araya Desta said Eritrea Musical Entourage in Ethiopia will mark the new era of cooperation between Eritrea and Ethiopia.

Performing the diverse traditional music and dance of Eritrea by Eritrean musical legends and emerging artists with famous Ethiopian artists is said to be the first leg of Eritrea’s cultural tour of friendship to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

The rekindling of cultural relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea would for sure speed up the ongoing rapprochement process and set good examples for African fellow brothers and sisters. These two peoples are also committed to work hand in glove towards regional economic integration and to remain to be the beacon of hope in Africa.

In a bid to spread the message of love and brotherhood in a permanent manner, such cultural programs have to be featured in higher institutions of Ethiopia and Eritrea in the near future.

As both countries’ leaders so often said they are so determined to recapture the lost golden development opportunities of the last twenty years working around the clock and closing the dark chapter in their history for good, the cultural programs are helpful in supporting the realization of this lofty goal soon.


The Ethiopian Herald February 19/2019


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