Reverence for living sacrifices

Yekatit (February) has a timeless significance in Ethiopian history for some of the major events that marked unforgettable memories on generations took place in this month. Besides the Victory of Adwa and the 1974 revolution that resulted in the disposal of Emperor Hailesilassie, the unforgettable and tragic massacre had happened on February 19, 1937. It was on this day that the colonial fascist Italian invadors massacred more than 30, 000 Addis Ababa dwellers regardless of sex and age.

Nevertheless, the horrific massacre intensified the patriot’s defiance against foreign aggression instead of weakening their commitment. The martyrs deserve veneration for they demonstrated unwavering steadfastness to conquer the enemy and set their nation free. It cannot be an exaggeration to state that the magnificent feature of Ethiopian history is laid its foundation on the soil that was wet with the blood of those martyrs. Unlike most of the African nations that were colonized, Ethiopia remained to be independent nation since the martyrs fought for its freedom through paying incalculable sufferings in fighting the fascist.

Ethiopia scarcely has history of independence and sovereignty had it not bean for the patriots to pay this price courageously. In order to sustain the sovereignty, the patriots endured hardships in the hands of the brutal aggressors. The vigilant patriots sacrificed a great price not only their lives but that of their children. Because of their perseverance in the hardships, the enemy could not take their motherland. The sacrifices the martyrs paid have been considered to play extraordinary roles in shaping the history of the nation. Not only Ethiopians, but all Africans are proud of the contributions of the patriots. In their steadfastness to make sure the sovereignty of their nation, the patriots courageously faced enemy that was armed with modern weapons. In doing so, they ensured freedom for their children’s children. Few people believed that the patriots could conquer the enemy armed with highly advanced armaments. But that is what is exactly happened. The fascist swept away by the committed patriots who sacrificed a lot to realize the day we are enjoying today.

The utmost commitment and determination of the martyrs went beyond the influence of the modern weapons. This courageous deed of the patriots developed sense of independence and freedom in the lives of the citizens. Thus, martyrs day which is being celebrated today is not only the reason to observe the remembrance of the martyrs who died for our freedom but also to mark miles of achievement and success we have been experiencing since the martyrs day. .

They chose to sacrifice their lives instead of sacrificing their land to the enemy through withstanding the widespread injustice by the fascists. Their resisting power grew stronger and stronger regardless of the challenging situations. It seems that their circumstances were a test of love for their nation. They decided to live for utmost glory through sacrificing themselves. Their contributions remain to serve as a living sacrifice in sustaining nation’s independence.

The celebration would enable the generation to know well about the historic sacrifice of its forefathers to keep the sovereignty of their motherland. The young people can learn the necessity of determination and courage for super extraordinary accomplishments. They are requested to demonstrate courage and absolute commitment to fight poverty.

Though incalculable loss they would incur in the battle, the patriots kept their eyes on their prize which is our freedom and independence. Our generation and the ones to come ought to examine the real value of our forefathers’ commitment, steadfastness, and determination in sustaining the sovereignty of the nation regardless the magnitude of the sufferings they experienced. We should realize that without the supreme sacrifices of the martyrs, we would not have a history we are proud of today. In short, the price they paid has a long-lasting significance to motivate every generation who owes them a great debt of gratitude.


The Ethiopian Herald February 19/2019


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