First Lady lays cornerstone to construct secondary school in Jigjiga

JIGJIGA – First Lady Zinash Tayachew yesterday laid a cornerstone to build a secondary school at Jigjiga town in Ethio-Somali State.

The First Lady said on the occasion that her office would cover the school construction cost worth 20 million Birr.

She said: “We have a plan to construct secondary school in every state of the country and the main reason why I am here today is to build the school for the city residents. There have been shortages of secondary schools in rural areas and so most of the time the students are forced to drop out having finished elementary school.”

The Office of the First Lady, in collaboration with development partners, plans to work in areas that need attention, especially, in child malnutrition, early marriage, abduction, and facilitation of school network. The First Lady pledged to work with full commitment alleviating hurdles that children are facing in education and providing access for all school-aged children.

For his part, Somali State Deputy President Mustafa Muhummed appreciated the First Lady’s efforts in improving education access in the state particular in the country in general.

The Ethiopian Herald February 19/2019


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