Army’s social service exposes junta’s atrocity


Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) has one of the strongest armed forces. With the peoples long held culture of heroism and readiness to defend national sovereignty, the army always stands ready and well equipped.

As a result the nation has survived as intact and well respected. It has scored shining victory in the face of external threats. The ability to preempt threats has enabled the country to live in peace and stability. The prevalence of peace and stability leads to ensuring development in the country.

During the time of peace and stability in the country, which is an outcome of its labor, the army rather engages in another battle against the other sworn enemy of the people: a battle against poverty. During such peaceful situation the army engages in various development activities to assist the people and deliver social commitment.

At a time of peace they do such big developmental role. But when there is a threat to national security and sovereignty the army will be forced to focus on safeguarding the nation.

The army assists the people in various ways. They contribute money to build social facilities like schools and hospitals, donate blood, and assist farmers in tilling, weeding and harvesting crops. While all their support is worthwhile, their contribution in assisting farmers is worth mentioning.

Majority of Ethiopia’s population is agrarian. Still majority of the farmers use traditional means of farming. The farming becomes more challenging while cultivating, weeding and harvesting seasons. Harvesting should be finalized on time otherwise all the efforts of the farmer becomes futile. The farmer and family who lead subsistence farming fall in trouble.

Traditionally farmers group themselves in associations like debo, to harvest their crops. Yet the harvesting is carried out manually which is laborious. After harvesting crops from one of the farm lands of the member of the debo, they shift to the remaining ones until all farmer gets its crps collected.

No other earthly institution can supply support of this magnitude to the farmers. Here comes the handy and irreplaceable role of defense forces. The defense forces members work hard to quickly and efficiently collect the crops the farmers land so that the farmers can prevent their hard earned crops from damage due to  long stay on the farm lands, wastage during harvesting … etc.

Usually farmers collect crops on this season of the year, October to December. And the army was also preparing to support as there were many dangers like untimely rainfall and desert locust swarm that damage the crops if not collected as early as possible.

However, the army which delivers its valuable support during the time of peace was forced to engage in a campaign to ensure rule of law in Tigray State. The rule of law operation was deemed necessary as the junta in Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) which is administering Tigray State launched a provocative attack against the northern command of the army.

The attack is such disastrous act for both the army as well as the nation since it could imperil the army and through time the sovereignty of the entire nation. Hence, the army was forced to take action so as to subdue the junta and ensure rule of law.

The timing of the rule of law ensuring operation was a difficult one. In addition to the need to collect the harvest soon, the farmlands in many parts of the country were swarmed by desert locust few weeks before. And there were also warnings that there could be a second wave of

 locust swarm which would cause even worse damage that the previous one. This means the rule of law operation should be finalized soon so that both farmers and the army can resort to rescuing their crops from the looming danger.

Fortunately, with the kind cooperation of the people of Tigray, the army was able to heroically accomplished its mission in short period. Without any exaggeration it can be said a historical incident as it was carried out with due care and level of precision to safeguard civilian casualties.

Amazingly yet, the army has demonstrated that , contrary to the propaganda spread by the TPLF junta to smear the name of the army as mere killer and murder, the defense forces have takn no time to resort to their usual and timely social cooperation to the public. Accordingly, the army has engaged in assisting farmers in harvesting their crops alongside the remaining task of ensuring peace and rule of law in the region.  

The Ethiopian herald December 13/2020

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