Ethiopia in the eyes of award-winning American journalist and documentary filmmaker


He had been here in Ethiopia for about ten years. As an African American journalist, he has a great passion for Ethiopia and its socio-cultural practices. Unlike other biased journalists, he always loves to see the positive part of Africa within the negatives. He had been working at the Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington DC, as a press officer.

In that position, he has acquired a prior understanding of Ethiopian social system which has enabled him to learn the social values of Ethiopia and even obliged him to come to the land he loves most.

Antoine Lindley is an award-winning American journalist and documentary filmmaker. He has more than 20 years experiences in the media industry and produced over 24 documentary films on Ethiopia.

His television documentary series “Insight with Antoine Lindley” premiered on July 24, 2012. In collaboration with the network, Antoine has produced various documentaries that promote the positive image of Ethiopia globally.

Lately, The Ethiopian Herald had moments with him via telephone to know his feeling about Ethiopia.

According to Antoine, Ethiopia is one of the ancient countries with its own longstanding remarkable identity. For Antoine, Ethiopia is a land of diversity, a unique country with multifarious cultures plus very welcoming, hospitable and generous people.

“In addition, Ethiopia is a nation where the African Union-that represents continental bondage- is found. The presence of AU and other NGOs in Ethiopia signifies how the nation is hospitable to any outsiders.”

Whenever the name Ethiopia is mentioned, some people associate it with hunger and civil war. However, for critical thinker like Antoine, Ethiopia is a land endowed with a number of blessings-beautiful landscape, abundant natural resources, and friendly people. It is also a land where people of diverse culture, language, religion live in harmony and tolerance.

As an African American grew in America, Antoine also had unjust perception about Ethiopia; he had seen lots of TV programs that labeled Ethiopia as a land of famine and unrest. However, he has witnessed how this image has changed through time.

According to him, starting from the time the nation opens its doors for investment, and practiced democratization, lots of changes are witnessed in the country. Despite the past negative images, the nation has shown progress.

Antoine said, like other African countries, Ethiopia is a less developed nation for modern democratic system. For this reason, no one should expect absolute perfection. “Let alone Ethiopia or other African countries, there is no democracy in America with its pure form. What is more, the new younger generation is full of energy and progressive. This, irrefutably, has its own share – to make big changes and betterment the situation of the country.”

The social system in Ethiopia is one area where Antoine loves about. According to him, enjoying time with friends is one of the sweetest parts of life. Since his life in the State was full of rushes, the social interaction in Addis or in rural part is something interesting.

“We have to work so hard to pay the bills and our time is fully occupied to fill gaps. That did not give us an opportunity to socialize with friends and experience the test of friendship.

However, here in Ethiopia you will work hard; at the same time, you will have time to enjoy coffee with friends. Having time with friends is something we are lacking these days. Even if you do not have everything, at least you can enjoy that moment with friends.”

There is a trend by some unethical journalists to distort the true image of Ethiopia for unknown reason.

However, for ethical journalists like Antoine, there are always possibilities to see good things within all bad things. Asked where this passion came from, Antoine said, often times institutions or media houses prefers to talk about their own set agenda instead of talking the good part of Africa.

This may be the reason why they portray Ethiopia or other African countries in a different way. As an African American who traces his ancestors from Africa, I could not portray Africa in a negative way.

Every country has its own positive and negative sides. When I came to Ethiopia, I have convinced myself to promote the positives of Ethiopia. As a person of color, I have to identify biased reports from what is genuine.

When asked what impresses him most about the rural parts of Ethiopia, Antoine responded with excitement how the people of Ethiopia lead their life. According to him, as a capital city, life in Addis is full of rushes. However, those people in the rural parts are leading a stable life with different lifestyle. “This inspires me most. What is more, those people in the country side are humble and hospitable.”

The Ethiopian Herald December 11/2020

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