No one benefits out of political polarization


Subsequent to the transition from a master less and instinct-oriented society where solely the physically powerful led a relatively good life to a social contract ideology emanated from the principle of John Locke, states have been organized in a well articulated and streamlined political system. The political system has in turn requested the presence of actors to drive the all rounded wheel of the nation well.

In clear terms, the advent of being a nation state pulls the structural organization of systems in tune with the smooth flow of social, economic and political activities for the sake of the governed. As the case of a number of countries around the world, our country—Ethiopia—has had a well-organized governmental structure even when some countries didn’t emerge at all.

Passing through a range of system ups and downs since the promulgation of the constitution, political parties are emerging and reached over 100 in Ethiopia at present, for instance.

A week before, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed had a stay with representatives of different political parties and dealt with a range of issues with regard to the current situation in the country. All the representatives raised myriads of questions despite their concern was the election which is believed to be conducted between the late May to early June, 2020.

Recalling his calling up on parties to be amalgamated and look into themselves to become more powerful as much as they can, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed stated that a nation building task could hardly be made real in a fragmented manner; rather joining hands needs to be well entertained, which in turn helps come up with a governing idea born from collective thought.

He also said that coming together to be limited in number, to be ten to twelve at most, instead of being hundred and above ones is of significantly useful in effectively organizing and utilizing limited resources, hitting the resource-dependent campaigns target and outshining in all contesting scenarios.

Not only is this approach advantageous for all political parties to organize themselves towards effectively running activities but it is also of paramount importance in helping the electorate have well defined alternatives, and easily vote representatives at the end of the day.

Cognizant of the fact that cultivating a democratic culture requires the presence of a number of political parties thereby the aged citizenry could be showered with options to elect their representatives, the Ethiopian government has now been committed more than ever before to make the upcoming election fair, free, democratic, reliable, peaceful, among others.

Unfortunately, the number of political parties remains almost the same and things are run following business as usual fashion.

As political vulnerability gets a nation incurred much, party elites had better come together, peculiarly those with similar and nearly similar ideologies, instead of becoming increasingly diverged ideologically. In principle, all are advancing towards ruling one nation and the society from where they come.

A deviant ideology from the unity, fraternity, and harmonious way of living of the entire citizens and out of the peaceful and tranquility box of the country has no place in Ethiopia as all citizens are tired of hatred, suspicion, sense of jealousy, theft and a multitude of manifestations of corruption.

If one can come up with democracy, development, growth and equality [not necessarily everyone does have equal wealth and property in cash or in kind, but equal opportunities to take part in every national and regional fields devoid of nepotism], they have to be green light to assume power. Nothing less, nothing more!

“So long as we all are working for the same country, we have to stand for its progress and development. Hatred politics is cancerous for change and development; we have practically witnessed so far. Whenever multiparty system prevails people do have a number of preferences based on the political ideology and manifesto targeting at pushing the nations steps forward,” Dr. Abiy heard of saying.

Unfortunately, Ethiopian Political parties are now regarded as ideologically polarized at the elite level and the public gradually perceived this polarization and better sorted themselves into the parties that matched their policy preferences.

“We have to table viable policy issues on discussion, expound them well and get them internalized in the minds of the general public instead of spending time conversing disparity-oriented discourse, propagating ideas by which, we think are important for us to win public confidence painting others with soot, belittling others capacity and defaming.

We do have one country that can suffice for all. Let’s be genuine and covertly make our agendum public. Then let’s leave citizens judge themselves and get ready to confidently accept the outcome. This is civility,” said Yeshiwas Assefa,Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice Party (ECSJ) president.

As learnt from Yeshiwas, a number of manifestations have been witnessed over the past two and half years as it is possible to make a difference in all aspects though coupled with different hindrances as a result of the already sown hatred politics.

Tigray Democratic party President, Dr. Aregawi Berehe said “The political landscape is now trekking at a promising pace following government’s willingness to make the turf playable since two years ago. To the surprise of everyone, no real election has been held in Ethiopia at all so far; if it should be regarded as an election, it was through looting ballot box or enumerating votes in a deceitful action; it was not an election if truth be told.”

He further said that assuming power through firearms in a country which houses over 80 nations, nationalities and peoples hereafter is quite unthinkable. We have to develop a culture of acknowledging governing ideas and make ourselves ready to be defeated if public preference tilts down towards others.

Political parties, given their role in the democratic system, have to live up to the interest and needs of whom they represent. Therefore, they have to follow some clear and well defined strategies to deal with it. In so doing, they can have a courage and capability to beat contestants and triumph over public confidence.

It has been widely witnessed in Ethiopia that ideological party sorting, rather than preference divergence, was the main apparatus causing the emergence of crime, civil rights violation and military aggressiveness.

As this polarization continued and grew in size, more people noticed it and the partisan became larger and somewhat more widespread. It is also important to remember that it was elite polarization and mass-level sorting based largely on issues less significant such as tribal prioritization and mere political affiliation without well internalizing and believing in that are the main drivers of political polarization.

Without a shadow of doubt, party identification gradually grows into party polarization. All representatives, as political parties, have to well understand that they are going to lead a prosperous nation with a prestigious people, who are always running to quench a democratic and freedom thirst.

Taking the widened, though encompassed with shortcomings, political landscape into account, all contestant parties including the ruling one, Prosperity, have to narrow down political polarization and live up to the promise they pledged when came to existence.

The Ethiopian Herald December 11/2020

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