Ethiopia: Beacon for Africans on the sea of darkness


Ethiopia has traveled a long journey in the history of state formation and appeared to be one of the glorious countries that inscribe glittering successes being remained independent against all odds.

Ethiopia has stood the test of time and managed to defend its territory defeating aggressors. It was neither colonized nor succumbed.

Once an American Colonel witnessed the heroes’ combatants against the Egyptians aggression “boom after boom was heard every now and then, the Egyptians escape the bullet only to feel the scimitar. Neither son of god nor the Arab prophet was able to rescue nations aspire to kill the land, land of origin.”

In the very recent time span, infant nations have tried to betray the countries millennia independent history in favor of ignorance however the leader with clairvoyant view made them to take any more yardsticks.

Ethiopia has traveled eras in handling matters and settling disputes with indigenous knowledge and enormous traditions emanated from intrinsic moral principles.

The piece aims not to promote Ethiopia a state before the emergence of States, but to let the young generations know the country amid era of web journalism.

Of course situations are not going well right now in some parts of the country however the country has been tempted and passed through uphill struggle.

Assuming power after a break neck reform, Abiy foresees the importance of restoring diplomatic tie with Eritrea what finally lead him to stand on one of the world’s extraordinary stage which might be uncommon for a man from the black continent.

Once The Gurdian reported that what a difference a year makes. Abiy Ahmed won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Ethiopian Prime Minister had overseen extraordinary change in his brief tenure: though the committee singled out the peace deal he had signed with Eritrea, ending an apparently intractable dispute, he had also embarked upon sweeping domestic reforms. Yet while the relaxation of intense political repression brought real hope, there was also fear that the improvements were precarious at best, with too much expected of one man.

This might seem to defend and celebrate Abiy, but should be seen from the perspectives of letting the world know Ethiopia is a matured nation.

Recently, the law enforcement mission the country carried out has to be considered as a matter of sovereignty that the country is capable of handling it with no interference of others and in line with the cardinal principle of the United Nation.

As Ethiopia is committed to abide to international principles of nonintervention on internal affairs of countries, the world also has to give due respect for the nation to handle matters at home based on universal norms, laws, and conventions.

The Premier, on his statement weeks before, conveyed his message across the international community to remember Ethiopia’s commitment to multilateral cooperation and a world order based on the principle of norms of international law is firm, long standing and unwavering.

Ethiopia has always been on the vanguard of a rules-based international system as demonstrated by, for example, its position as major contributor of troops for various UN and AU peacekeeping mission in various parts of the world. As it is clearly stipulated in Article 2(7) of the Charter of the United Nation, and embedded in the legal and normative order of the African Union, the fundamental element of the international legal order is the principle of nonintervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states.

Thus, the international community need to understand the interest of Ethiopia as a sovereign state to handle internal affairs by own capacity as long as the country adhere to the aforementioned governing principles, norms and protocols.

On November 4, 2020, the treasonous junta has committed serious federal offense targeting and claiming lives of the countries National Defense Force of the North Command. Eventually the federal government has begun mission of law enforcement operations, base in Tigray State.

The heinous attack was committed under the shade of darkness under the leadership of TPLF junta with ill intents of regaining power. Hence, as maintaining law and order is among the least criterion of legitimate government, the effort of Ethiopian people and the government in execution of law and penalizing criminals needs no interventions.

The incident which has also been admitted as a “lightning primitive attack” is a matter of existence and uncompromised affair in defending sovereignty.

The Ethiopian Herald December 10/2020

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