Visiting patients in hospital affords a great pleasure for the visitor and the patient. The patient will enjoy companionship and develop a sense of belongingness during difficult times. It gives also righteous morality to the visitor.
When a patient is visited by his/her special ones, the feeling will be also special and uplifting. And it helps to the development of the health condition of the patient.
On Sunday morning, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has appeared in hospital to visit and comfort injuries of the current law enforcement operation.
“This morning I paid a visit with our hospitalized female and male heroes of the National Defense Forces who put Ethiopia above self! We honor your service,” Abiy wrote on his official Facebook page.
The injuries are from the law enforcement operation held in Tigray against the TPLF junta. The operation that has been undertaken following the stabbing in the back of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces by the junta has consummated by controlling Mekele city
life in the state that experienced displacement, migration and property damage and communication blackout side by side prosecuting members of the junta.
The current task of the Federal Government mainly includes bringing fugitives to justice, restoring law and order, guaranteeing citizens in the affected areas have unfettered access to humanitarian assistance, resettling and rehabilitating those who have been forced to cross borders and restoring transport and communications services that have been destroyed and disrupted by the criminal clique, the Office of the Prime Minister wrote on 7 December 2020.
Working closely with relevant humanitarian agencies and UN partners, the government is actively working to extend protection and humanitarian assistance to those who are impacted by the current law enforcement operations including to non-Ethiopians who are hosted in refugee camps and host communities in Tigray. The Federal Government also underlined the safety and wellbeing of innocent citizens remains in its utmost priority.
The Ethiopian herald December 8/2020