The need for EU Parliament to fact check its recent Statement


The recent one sided statement by the European Parliament utterly failed to consider the reality on the ground in Ethiopia and has categorically tampered with the country’s sovereign rights to ensure the rule of law in the country. Besides, the EU Parliament is reportedly seriously concerned about military officers who were removed from their positions as if what has happened in Mai Kadra did not mater.

Except for Amnesty International, no international humanitarian organization has asked the Ethiopian government to unilaterally and freely investigate the crimes committed on innocent civilians in Ethiopia. Every international organization, including the EU Parliament has been busy preparing statements that are not fact checked.

The imperatives of normal fact checking with the Ethiopian government could have helped the EU Parliament to identify the falsehood from reality but the parliament chose to call for cessation of what it called war and engage in round table dialogue.

Contrary to such a statement, EU leadership has earlier acknowledged Ethiopia’s efforts to ascertain the rule of law in Tigray. The statement clearly indicates that the EU parliament, one of the most reputed parliaments in the world has failed to consider the report from Amnesty International and the preliminary report by Ethiopia’s Human Rights Commission on the inhuman atrocities and mass genocide by TPLF based on ethnic cleanthing in Mai Kadra and in other regions of the country.

The mass graves that were recently found in Mai Kadra clearly indicates that the fascistic actions hurdled on the peoples of Ethiopia only compares to what has happened in Rwanda.

EU Parliament’s diplomatic language on Ethiopian’s efforts to ensure peace in Tigray is understandable in the sense that it advocates for immediate cession of what it called war and dialogue between a regional party and the federal government of Ethiopia.

The EU Parliament is well aware of the clear fact that Ethiopia is not engaged in a war of any kind but on domestic effort to ascertain the prevalence of the rule of law and safeguarding the federal constitution as well as the territorial integrity of the country. Surprisingly enough this parliament seems to ally with some fake news reporting from well-placed western media companies.

It is regrettable to observe that the EU Parliament is putting the Federal Government of Ethiopia is putting on equal footing with a regional vandalistic organization that has declared that no power under the sun can prevent it from destroying the constitutionally based government inn Ethiopia. This also forgets the fact that Ethiopia is a trusted partner of EU.

There is another aspect of this statement. Why the EU Parliament did chose to issue its statement on the 11th hour of Ethiopia’s efforts to end barbarism in its own territory and restore the rule of law in Tigray? Or to put it in another way, why have they been silent when TPLF was sponsoring terrorism across the country for more than two years? Why did the EU parliament failed to understand the level of patience from the Ethiopian government and its repeated calls for peace that TPLF has categorically rejected? Why did EU Parliament come up with such a statement that discredits Ethiopia’ efforts to ensure the enforcement of law in the country?

Ethiopia has well established legal instruments and institutions of justice that are well known to the EU Parliament but why did it deliberately fail to acknowledge Ethiopia’s capacity to ensure law and order in the country.

On the other hand, Ethiopia’s legal system is so complete and enough to take more than 200 perpetrators of crime in Tigray to the appropriate courts of law in the country.

Ethiopia has always abided with the major elements of international law and has clearly implemented the provisions of international laws by keeping peace across the world and in Africa in particular. This country is well positioned in the international community of nations and has rooted its international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy on the rule of international law. Indeed, Ethiopia deserves to be trusted and understood by the leaders of the international community of nations.

The fact on the ground shows that for the Ethiopian government the top priority issue is to rehabilitate citizens in the liberated areas of Tigray by providing relief supplies in cooperation with international aid organizations by creating safe corridors for supplies.

Now that Tigray and its capital Mekele is liberated, negotiation or even thinking of it has become practically irrelevant. Ethiopia’s mission of ensuring the rule of law is now accomplished and the country has demonstrated to the world that it is capable of managing its affairs with no need for intervention.

The peoples, government and the armed forces of the country have now liberated Tigray and Mekelle will never be a hideout for TPLF’s shameless leaders.

The Ethiopian Herald December 8/2020

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