Striding into ‘ground-breaking era’ 

Once, Ethiopia was not feeling itself owing to the unrest surfacing in the length and breadth of the country. As a result Ethiopians were under the yoke of oppression for quite a lot of years. The actors of the regime were as cruel as death and did not give a fig about the rule of law except fattening their own pockets at the expense of their compatriots.

They were backing Ethiopia into a corner more often than not. The future of the country was under the cloud of uncertainty and a bottomless pit. Many thoughts were flickering through the general public’s mind from time to time.

The officials were constantly biting the hand that feeds. Time and again, Ethiopia was facing a rocky road ahead. The whole lot was getting from the frying pan into the fire. Every so often the main actors of the regime were busy designing a wide spectrum of strategies that could help them stay on power for many years.

When the charismatic Ethiopian premier Dr. Abiy Ahmed took office, Ethiopians could not believe their eyes following a cross section of reforms surfacing in every nook and cranny of the country. The premier turned out to be the talk of the entire world at a stroke of a pen.

After the premier took office the whole lot went on improving over and over again. Though the displeased segment of the society spared no effort to throw cold water on the premier’s effort, they could not actualize their dreams. They were sitting on the horns of a dilemma. All their efforts kept on going for nothing seeing that they could not resist the premier’s calculated strategies. At this time, Ethiopia’s enemies are being thrown into prison.

Most of them were apt to steal Ethiopia’s wealth as they pleased. They were different ends of the same snake,many complained.

The Ethiopian Herald approached expertise to have their feelings, ideas and thoughts pertaining to measures being taken on the embezzlers of Ethiopia’s properties?

Daniel Birhanu is a resident of Addis Ababa. He is a lawyer by profession. He said, “Dr. Abiy is the right person for Ethiopia. He has rescued the country from becoming a failed state. Sadly, Ethiopia was the talk of the world. All and sundry was discussing the fate of the future Ethiopia.

Slowly but surely, the premier kept on taking swift measures. But, the general public was not happy with the premier given that he did not take measure on embezzlers at the drop of a hat. Later, when he embarked on throwing the later into prison, everybody turned out be infinitely happy. He is making history at this point in time. I would say, he is heading in the right track. The effort underway to ensure the supremacy of law via bridging short falls is laudatory. Discussion platforms to this end must be further pursued.”

Mesert Takele is also a resident of Addis Ababa. She lives in the heart of Kebena. She is a lawyer by profession. She said, “Words fail me when I attempt to express my gratitude to the premier on the measure he has been taking on the embezzlers of the country’s wealth. To be quite honest, I did not imagine all my born days this day would come.

I was giving up hope. I did not expect the embezzlers would be thrown into prison by the book which they have been trying to erode. He is winning the hearts and minds of the general public in this regard.

When I heard about a demonstration which was held in favor of the embezzlers, I nearly fainted. My blood was boiling.”

“I know the nitty-gritty of the corrupt few seeking a hiding place in ethnic jungle. They were sucking Ethiopia’s blood for almost twenty seven years. As the saying goes empty vessels make the most noise. I do not know what was going on behind closed doors. They had brutally treated the people of Ethiopia for the past 27 years. Prisoners were subjected to electrocution and later to be thrown into forests late at night. Some also suffered raping. More to the point, prisoners’ male reproductive organs were constantly pinched by pliers . Sorrowfully, some of them were tied to a tree and left in forests. It is to this atrocity the PM is trying to give solutions to. He deserves all support he deserves,” she concluded.

Once Dr. Farah Jire, the former President of Journalists for African Reassurance (JAR) approached by this writer regarding the premier said, “I sincerely appreciate Prime Minster Dr. Abiy Ahmed. He is absolutely genius. He has the talent beyond education. Despite the presence of quite a lot of educated people all over the place, few only achieve the desired goal. The fruitful ones are finger-counted. Dr. Abiy has the experience, dynamism and heroism. He has untapped potential of successfully leading the country. He is the leader that Africa, especially Ethiopia, badly needs.”


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